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Scarlet Wake

Started by Ben O'Neal, June 12, 2004, 07:10:32 AM

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Ben O'Neal

Yeah, all my art is my own. Why pay someone to do what I can do myself? :) Drawing is what I do (when I'm not studying and have a chance and the inspiration).

Regarding mutliple die types. Yeah, perhaps it is a bit less elegant, but it does save time and actualy allows for greater freedom in some respects. Whereas before you had to "match up" your roll to thiers from highest to lowest, now you just add up your roll and compare it to theirs, then determine how many points of your roll go towards defending against/killing each opponent.

For a basic example, say you roll 1d8, 2d6 and 1d4. You get 4,5,5,2, for a total of 16. Your two opponents roll 7 and 6. You could distribute 13 of your points between them to avoid any damage, and lump the remaining 3 onto them as damage (they were both rank 2, so you could kill one and damage the other).

I think the only elegnance that is lost here is the use of different types of die, which is really purely an aesthetic preference.

Regarding stats, Fuel and Fire are really one aspect, and only split into two stats to keep the math and handling simple. Name is cool cos it measures your Boss-killing capabilities and inter-player competitiveness, Honour is tied to grudge, and Kick is a weird one, cos it doesn't measure what you can do, it measures how many points your opposing players have to use against you. All in all, it should be pretty easy for players to keep track of and understand, and where possible, I've tried to avoid too many seperate things where things could be concievably combined (like Boss points being Name points, because you already have a name, now it has a score!).

I'm really dying for my last exam to be over so I can write up a play-test version and give this sucker a go with my friends. If anyone would like to help me playtest it in about two to three weeks (possibly four if life decides to shaft me unexpectedly), drop me a PM and include your email (or just email me) and I'll be sure to send you the playtest when it's wriiten. I only ask that anyone willing to playtest it for me is also willing to provide me with feedback. With a bit of luck I might be able to organise a website and forum for it.


P.S. Playtesters will get a free copy of the finished product and their name printed in the back! I plan on releasing this as a POD book from somewhere with good quality colour printing and good prices.

Sydney Freedberg

1) The cooperation/noncooperation mechanics -- very neat.

2) Implementing competition without a simple race -- also very neat.

3) Art -- very, very, very neat.

4) kib·itz: intr.v. Informal kib·itzed, kib·itz·ing, kib·itz·es
To look on and offer unwanted, usually meddlesome advice to others.
To chat; converse.
Yiddish kibitsen, from German kiebitzen, from Kiebitz, pewit, kibitzer, from Middle High German gbitz, pewit, of imitative origin.