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[MLWM] My Life With The Viscount.

Started by jburneko, June 17, 2004, 08:13:50 PM

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Ron Edwards


Jesse, you realize that the Master can simply beat the shit out of a minion any time he or she wants, right?

I recommend that you start the next session with a full-on minion butt-kicking, a full-on minion humiliation, and a full-on minion mind-fuck (and not your weirdo postmodern ironic version either). Plus insults, repulsively false intimacy/sympathy, and finishing up with no-holds-barred orders for the minions to do shit that they really, really do not want to do.


Bob McNamee

The Master can always call someone to task for not finishing a task as quickly as the Master expected it done...  :)

He always wants things done yesterday.
Bob McNamee
Indie-netgaming- Out of the ordinary on-line gaming!

Mike Holmes

The bluntest thing that you can do to a minion, if all else fails, is what I did to Todd's character at the Origins game last year. His little puppydog/human hybrid had be "adopted" by this cute little girl - a big connection for the character. I had the master tell him to kill her. Saddest thing that I've ever seen in play. Period.

In fact for a while I thought that it might have been against the rules somehow because it's such an absolutely evil thing to do. The usual tactic is to send another minion. But I don't think that it is, in fact, prohibited in any way (somebody correct me if I'm wrong). It's just so nasty that it's rarely done.

Think of the ramifications. The master has browbeat somebody into killing the most important person in their life. Think that might set somebody on the road to kill him?  

Member of Indie Netgaming
-Get your indie game fix online.

Nev the Deranged

I'm torn between wanting to say "why the hell would anyone voluntarily play something this f*cked up" and "is that the worst you can come up with?"

One thing is clear, though.

I have to go buy this game now.


okay. guess I'll see what all the hype is about in a week ^_^


Okay, I was kind of going for vicious and manipulative but the vibe here seems to be go directly to cruel do not pass Go do not collect $200.  This is really good advice all around and will be easy to integrate into the game without looking like I've suddenly "rewritten" the way I've been playing the master.

I will post on how, if at all, the change in the masters behavior effects the game after the next session particularly with the two players who seem to be going for broke with the love points.
