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[LAME :) ] GenCon: Getting there early on Wed...

Started by Andy Kitkowski, August 17, 2004, 02:20:32 AM

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Andy Kitkowski

At the risk of sounding really, really lame and crowding out the geniune threads with a "Hey Guys!!!" thread*:

I'm arriving in Indianapolis at about 10:00. I'll probably be at the convention area at 10:45-11, give or take.

Who else is coming in really early, or will be there already? It looks like I'll be wandering around for like 2 hours aimlessly before the setup begins (if the 1:00 meet at the booth is a solid figure.

So, if you're gonna be in the area from 10AM on, please PM me your cell or similar contact info. If nothing else, I'd rather sit and have lunch with some Forgeites or meet and discuss the Booth Game Plan or review the rules for some of the games I'll be pimpin with others then... well... napping in the lobby of some hotel, or watching some luncheonette's wall clock tick down the minutes to one o'clock.


* For me, being bored and excited at the same time is a thousand times worse, not to mention nonproductive, than being lame. :)
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Ooooooooh, can Forgite be a word in the Glossary, Ron?!?



-Troy Costisick