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[Sorcerer] Combat & Next Roll Penalties

Started by Alan, August 24, 2004, 05:00:10 PM

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Hi Ron et al.,

I need clarification about handling next roll penalties.

Here's an example situation: two characters declare they're attacking each other.  Both roll, leaving dice on the table.  One wins initiative and the other chooses to suck it up and roll a 1 die defense.  Result: he loses and suffers next roll penalties.

Now, provided his current total penalties don't exceed his Stamina and force him to lose his action, he gets to act.  He's already rolled dice for his intended action, so, as I understand it, they don't count as his "next roll."   He gets his full unmodified dice roll to resolve his action.  

If that's correct, my question comes here: do the penalties just incurred apply as a bonus to his target's defense roll or not?
- Alan

A Writer's Blog:

Ron Edwards


Hole in one, Alan. Those victories now become bonus dice to the defensive roll against his incoming attack.

The same principle works in another way as well. Let's say your character is doing anything (attacking or defending), and that some unexpected bonus dice come his way due to (e.g.) someone else's action. A demon's Boost, a rollover from a friend's successful roll, whatever.

Your character's dice are already on the table. Fine - leave them there, and proceed on exactly the same turn/time as you would have done without them, and then roll the new dice and simply add them to his current ones.



Thanks Ron,

I also noticed in a thread about whether bonus dice could apply to a 1 die defence, that you said something about saved victories having some effect.

I think you were referring to the S&S rule about saving victories to apply to later rolls.  How would that effect a 1 die defence?  Could you use your saved victories to buy down your opponent's victories?  Could you use them to buy up your own?  For example, if you had 3 saved victories you could buy your oppoent's 2 victory success to zero, then buy your own to 1.  Is that right?

On the other hand, if I read that thread correctly, you can't apply carried over bonus dice to either 1 die defense or an abort to defend roll.
- Alan

A Writer's Blog:

Ron Edwards


If I remember correctly, then yes, I was referring to saved victories using the Sorcerer & Sword rules. I also think that no one should use those rules until they are fully conversant and experienced with the basic rules.

QuoteCould you use your saved victories to buy down your opponent's victories?

Emphatically yes. That is an excellent example of what those rules were for. If you have enough saved victories, then you can even buy his hit to 0 victories and take no damage.

QuoteCould you use them to buy up your own? For example, if you had 3 saved victories you could buy your oppoent's 2 victory success to zero, then buy your own to 1. Is that right?

Whoa Tex. Whoa, whoa. Steady.

First of all, the basic failure or success of the original roll is immutable. You cannot buy your way out of failing against the guy's attack or out of failing to hit vs. his defense.

Second, for each and every opposed roll in Sorcerer, one of you has victory dice, and the other person doesn't have any.

If you lose the roll, then you can buy off his victories, down to 0 if you have enough.

If you win the roll, you can convert any of your dice that did not exceed his highest into victories, all the way up to Total Victory if you have enough.

Let me know if that makes sense.
