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Forge Booth Triumphant

Started by Valamir, August 23, 2004, 11:38:03 PM

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GenCon Sales Results and Comparison

In 2003 we had 287 separate customer transactions
In 2004 we had 360 separate customer transactions
This is an increase of 73 customers or 25.4%

In 2003 we sold 513 individual products, averaging 1.79 items per transaction
in 2004 we sold 780 individual products, averaging 2.17 items per transaction
This is an increase of 267 items or 52.0%
Our average items per transaction increased 21.2%

In 2003 we did $8,105 in total business, or $28.24 per transaction and $15.80 per item sold
In 2004 we did $11,310 in total business, or $31.42 per transaction and $14.50 per item sold
This is an increase of $3,205 or 39.5%
Our average sales per transaction increased by 11.3%
Our average unit price per item sold declined by 8.2%
This decline is attributable to significantly lower sales in the highest priced booth items (TROS)

Our strongest sales came in the morning before lunch, with a mid afternoon slump, followed by a late day rally.

Thursday's Top 5 sellers by unit:
Monster Burner, Dogs in the Vineyard, My Life with Master, Burning Wheel, with F*ck This & Nine Worlds tied for fifth

Friday's Top 5 sellers by unit:
My Life with Master, Dogs in the Vineyard, F*ck This, Monster Burner, and No Press Anthology

Saturday's Top 5 sellers by unit:
My Life with Master, No Press Anthology, Riddle of Steel, Sorcerer, with Monster Burner & Universalis tied for fifth

Sunday's Top 5 sellers by unit:
No Press Anthology, with My Life with Master, Prime Time Adventures, & With Great Power tied for second, and then Monster Burner in fifth

Overall top 5 sellers by unit:
My Life with Master, Monster Burner, F*ck This, No Press Anthology, and Dogs in the Vineyard

*It should be noted that for purposes of compiling these rankings I combined the F*ck This printed and CD sales together and ignored the expansions.

Burning Wheel and Dogs in the Vineyard both ran out of stock early or they would certainly have had many more sales.

No Press Anthology was unavailable on Thursday and likely would have had a few more as well.

Honorable mentions go to Prime Time Adventures and Nine Worlds whose consistent sales almost broke into the top 5 overall.

Mention should also be made that this year's top seller (by a lot) My Life with Master, was also last year's top seller (by a lot)

My Life was also the only top 5 from last year to repeat this year (Burning Wheel, 5th last year, was 6th this year).

Any booth members wanting a specific spreadsheet breakdown of sales should PM me their email address.


Thanks for the stats, Ralph! I love this stuff.

QuoteMy Life was also the only top 5 from last year to repeat this year (Burning Wheel, 5th last year, was 6th this year).

I was rather overwhelmed by the demand for my stuff. Had I actually had stock... who knows what would have happened!

Next year I'll be returning with a revamped Burning Wheel and who knows what else. I plan on reclaiming my rightful throne at #5! ;)


Ron Edwards

All hail the amazing cash register. And next year, when we will actually be smarter than its programming, it will be even more so.


Christopher Weeks

Quote from: ValamirNo Press Anthology was unavailable on Thursday and likely would have had a few more as well.

That's why I escaped only $85 lighter.  I wasn't buying on Thursday, and I scoured the shelf, but the NPA was surely not there.  Grr.  Now I have to go find out how to order one.

Chris (who thought it rocked to meet several of you guys, but sincerely wishes he'd had more time to goof off)


Quote from: abzuI was rather overwhelmed by the demand for my stuff. Had I actually had stock... who knows what would have happened!

I don't know, but I half tempted to write Buring Wheel in permanent marker on my books. Probably would have sold out on Sat. if I had. Hehehe.
Keith Taylor
93 Games Studio

As Real As It Gets

Ron Edwards

Here are a couple photos I found on-line; they show some of the booth before the hall opened on Thursday.

Mike Snyder and Paul Czege, mostly

Vincent Baker and Keith Taylor


Lisa Padol

Hm, that sales pattern about matched my pattern of shopping. I tended to have games in the 12-4 and 7-whenever slots, so I hit the Exhibit Hall just enough after 10 am to miss the mob, left to get to my game, and returned around 4.

Not that I'm singlehandedly responsible for those numbers....


Keith Senkowski

Quote from: smokewolf
I don't know, but I half tempted to write Buring Wheel in permanent marker on my books. Probably would have sold out on Sat. if I had. Hehehe.

My plan is to have him write the forward and make the title small but this forward By Luke Crane of Burning Wheel extra large.  This way they think my next book is a supplement.  I can just see it now....

What's this Lost South book?  Must be a supplement for Burning Wheel.  I didn't know he was doing a book on Conspiracies in a fantasy Arabia.  Well I got to have it!

Or at cons he will get questions like:

"Do you got your new supplement in stock," says fan.
"What new supplement," thinks Luke

Conspiracy of Shadows: Revised Edition
Everything about the game, from the mechanics, to the artwork, to the layout just screams creepy, creepy, creepy at me. I love it.
~ Paul Tevis, Have Games, Will Travel