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Thanks from the pretty maps guy

Started by saiene, August 26, 2004, 06:40:14 PM

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Just wanted to say thanks to everyone at the Forge Booth. It was great meeting all of you: Ron, both Keiths, Paul and everyone else whose names I'm forgetting (I suck with names).

Even though my back was killing me, my legs were going numb with each passing second, my brain was frazzled from all the tournament work Behemoth3 was doing and the fact that Brian Singer's (Beast Master) surreal drive-by had me tripping for awhile, the group's insane energy and cooperative enthusiasm got me, and the rest of the B3 crew, through the whole Gen Con experience.

Thanks everybody!

Don't concentrate on your finger, or you will miss all that heavenly glory.

Nev the Deranged

You mean Marc Singer? What surreal drive by? Dar did something cool and I missed it? >.< Damn. I saw him there but was too chickenshit to go talk to him. What would I say besides "dude... you're the man!"

Aside from that, it was a pleasure directing techie looking people towards your table. Your software looks kickass, and makes me wish I could afford a pda just to have it. And how sweet is it that you could print demo material on demand? That's just awesome.

Hope you did well and we look forward to seeing you (and everyone else) next year ^_^

Ron Edwards

I think you got it mixed up a bit, Nev. That's Sang, from Behemoth3, not Dan from Digital Alchemy.

But no big deal. Sang's post was supposed to be in the GenCon Thanks thread anyway, so let's take it back there.
