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"Final Twilight - All Hallows Eve" Event Planning!

Started by daMoose_Neo, October 01, 2004, 06:04:43 PM

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Check the press release/announcement here

I'm gearing up for our first organized event, slated to take place Halloween weekend (30th or 31st, at shops convience).
I'm hitting up shops in areas where I've had interest via our freebie promotion, but I wanted to see if anyone here at the Forge could point me in some other directions.
If anyone knows of any shops that might be open to the idea of a Tournament/Demonstration event, let me know! I'm going to be calling around the Indy and St. Louis area later this week and maybe hitting up some places online.

Carrying the game is not a requirement for the event, we will provide a set of Demo decks, prizes and promotional material as well as online advertising (mostly though our own site, but I'm looking around for other venues that are practical and useful). Stores interested in ordering product may do so at 50% discount, minimum of 12 decks (1 box).
Retailers can also order a free pack of cards now simply by emailing me at, will get a pack and additional information out on request.

Any help or contacts are quite welcome! Thankee~
Nate Petersen / daMoose
Neo Productions Unlimited! Publisher of Final Twilight card game, Imp Game RPG, and more titles to come!