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The Price

Started by zephyr_cirrus, October 11, 2004, 05:30:11 PM

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Getting back to the original topic (sorry if this has already been said, I haven't the time to read the entire thread), maybe the person who dabbled in magic could become conrolled by this force, less themself, but they cannot stop, because magic is such a useful thing, and they eventually are overcome with it, and become inhuman slaves to the magic.  Maybe this mutates them into something else, such as a vampire or something else?
It is the ultimate irony that we all work towards our own destruction.

Ron Edwards

Hello, and welcome to the Forge.

I'm Ron, the content moderator of the general forums here. I'd like to invite you to check out the Forge Etiquette sticky post at the top of the Site Discussion forum. This website is a little different from most places.

One thing is to avoid posting to older threads. If they are older than a couple or three weeks, then if you want to contribute, then start a new thread with a distinct topic of its own, linking back to the first one so people can see where you're continuing from.

Also, it's very important, here, that you reply in the context of having read the entire discussion so far. "I didn't read the whole thread yet" is basically breaking a contract that we all agree to in order to post in the first place.

None of these are a big deal for a newcomer to the site, and as I said, I'm glad you're here. However, there's a bit of a learning curve in getting used to how we do things, and these are the points you'll need to be thinking about first.

Please don't post with an apology or anything similar. The thing to do now is to see whether anyone would like to discuss the magic topic with you, when they reply, and to carry on from there.

For everyone: the above post was split from Consequences of magic.
