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[Danse Macabre] PDF for feedback

Started by Peregrine, December 25, 2004, 04:45:10 AM

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Abbot of Mirth

Hello all, I'm the other designer of Danse Macabre.

I think we may need to add more comments about the social implications within the game.  The social aspects play a huge part.  This is mostly narrative and it is left to the Gm to hold this end of things up, but I have found that social consequences work well.  
I guess we are relying on the honesty of player to be true to their concept rather than trying to create a powerful pc based on mechanics.  Believe me it won't matter how tough you make your character, they are still mortal, and that spells doom for anyone.

This game won't be for everybody, I realise this, but for those that like to immerse themselves in colourful characters I think this game does its job.

A flow chart for chargen would be a good idea.  It is not that difficult once people know what they are doing.  
At its most basic it works like this...

Decide concept
Choose upbringing
Then assign backgrounds to give the character colour and purpose.
Decide on motivation - this is more an aid for the GM than anything else.  If the GM knows the character's underlying reason for traveling or whatever it is easier to hook a character into a scenario.
Select aspects of nature - sin, virtue and caprice (this will dictate starting taint/purity or abandon)
Select skills (be sure to add modifiers from backgrounds)
What we usually do here is to write down the skills that interest you then add their defaults, then add any background modifiers then add the 12 skill points last.  A skill of 4 would be competent, but a skill of 5 or 6 in specialised areas would be encouraged.  For example, I would expect a character calling himself a swordsman to have at least 5 in Affray.
Choose belongings
Select wealth level
Finish equipping character and adding fine details (appearance, name etc.)

That's most of it.
Although I do agree it is dragged out at the moment.


Hi Dean,

QuoteI think we may need to add more comments about the social implications within the game. The social aspects play a huge part. This is mostly narrative and it is left to the Gm to hold this end of things up, but I have found that social consequences work well.

I wonder if we should write up a somewhat more in-depth look at this side of the game for final inclusion?

Unless it is spelled out, it may not be obvious to someone reading the game over for the first time.

QuoteI guess we are relying on the honesty of player to be true to their concept rather than trying to create a powerful pc based on mechanics. Believe me it won't matter how tough you make your character, they are still mortal, and that spells doom for anyone.

And yet I'd still be curious to hear how a certain power-orientated and ego-orientated player whom we both know would reacts to the system as it stands.

Would you-know-who take one look at the backgrounds and try to create a werewolf-hunting knight of the order of demonslapping? And then would he get angry when his character doesn't fare much better than the one-legged, squint-eye, pox-ridden hunchback in the group?

I wonder if it might be wise to inlude a short section at the begining of character creation explaining very carefully that pumping your character up to Rank 6 Affray will make you a good fighter versus other mortals, but still pretty much a punching bag when it comes to anything supernatural.

We need to be careful not to state that the game is character driven and then not actually explain why or detail how the mechanics support a more character driven and horrorish style of play - as opposed to adventureish and heroic style (which is what most players will expect to be the default in a new fantasy game).
