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Minis and RPGs: Thoughts on new directions?

Started by komradebob, November 30, 2004, 03:43:34 AM

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Paul Czege

Hey Bob,

Check out Jared Sorensen's">Points of Articulation, an action-figure roleplaying game.

My Life with Master knows codependence.
And if you're doing anything with your Acts of Evil ashcan license, of course I'm curious and would love to hear about your plans


Quote from: greedo1379Then there's ... Confrontation which is slowly moving towards a traditional RPG.

And not only that, they are now releasing a mini-based RPG called Cadwallon (that's a free city of thieves and mercenaries in the world of Aarklash where Confrontation and Ragnarok are being played).
To see hell through lifeless eyes
Shadowy forms in gaslight bleed
Broken glass in absinthe dreams
Swirling down on wings of pain
To where emotions wounded lay
Crouching, crippled, tattered, bare


My first time playing DnD was a 3.0 sorc -- and the people I was playing with had an absolutely beautiful set of pewter minis, and a gridded chalkboard for a gameplay table.  I had a lot of fun with it.  Any enemies there were no minis for instead got the paper cut out treatment.

I've found miniatures can assist combat games a LOT -- sometimes it's just important to know WHAT is happening WHERE.  They make ranged weapons seriously useful, and they give players instant knowledge.

We had a good GM for handling the issues of how much information could we see, and as a party we didn't ever spread out too much, so it worked rather well, even for DnD.

I think that, as a general rule, paper cut outs and chalk work just as well as well as anything else.  Miniatures are nice, but in the end, at least for the gaming we were trying to do -- the tactical lines drawn in chalk and the scrape of the unpainted figures on the board was more than enough for me.  Imagination turned the rest into reality.

Ron Edwards

Hi everyone,

Let's close this thread now. If folks want to discuss miniatures' role some more, please start new threads.
