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Proper convention Posting

Started by Valamir, March 04, 2005, 05:52:51 AM

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There seems to be a little confusion about the proper sort of posts to have in this forum and why "Hey, I'm going to RandomCon, who else will be there" is not acceptable.

The key is in understaning what "some help" means in the following piece of the sticky.

QuoteYou are attending a convention and plan to play one or more independent games. You might be seeking some support or promotional material from the authors, or you might be seeking some help from potential fellow players.

What that means is something that resembles the following:

"I'm going to RandomCon and I've signed up to run 2 sessions of SuperCoolIndieGame.  I've GMed this game a few times but I'm not sure how to prepare for a 4 hour con session with people who've never played before.  How do I best feature A, B, and C in a single shot con game.  Any one have any experience with this they can share with me?"

That's a request for help.  That will make Ron smile and be happy.  Because that's a post with substance.

If you're in doubt ask yourself how the post contributes to the mission of the Forge.  In what way is the post about the design, publishing, and promotion of indie RPGs.  If its not...if its just a post to establish a social connection...fine...that's great...just don't do that here.

Andy Kitkowski

Or, alternately, organize an Small Publisher Gathering (cum Social Gathering) Event.

"I'm going to RandomCon.  It's too late to add events, but I'm going to plan an "Small Press Design Seminar" at the Hooters near the convention center at 8:00PM. I will post a few fliers at the Con about this event. Please let me know if you think you can attend this event."

Now, the above is more of a "I AM going to RandomCon", not a "I'm THINKING about going to RandomCon" thing. It's my contention that you should decide if you're going to an event or not irregardless of who's going to be there- at least for the purposes of this site.  

If the Con sounds like a good opportunity and looks fun for you, then go.  If it looks like it'd be a chore, and you don't really have an agenda, then don't go.  Because, in the end, you could get a list of people who "Think they will attend, too"; then they don't attend, and you'll have a shitty time. It's happened.

So first: Decide if you're going to the con or not.  If you're going, THEN feel free to organize an event or something, whether it be:

Gaming Session
Sales Booth
Formal Panel/Discussion
Informal Discussion ("Small Press discussion: At Denny's the night before the Con at 10:00")

Now, I don't suggest the last as a way to "get around" the rules that Luke and Ron set down- Informal seminars, aka Beer and Chips at the local bar, have been MORE important to me as someone with his fingers in the small press industry than all those seminars and plastic-smile demo sessions I've attended at previous cons.  They're helpful. When firing on all cyllinders, some incredible discussion goes down. They're legit.  

Bring an agenda, though, because you may attract new people interested in the discussion. Having a few topics of discussion will be better than "awkward gathering of otherwise intelligent and interested people with nothing to talk about". Planning things to talk about will make or break your informal discussion event.

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