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I so much need help here :P

Started by Shiruba, March 19, 2005, 04:57:37 AM

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Quote from: ShirubaI was thinkin of using pretty simple math in those stuff, like, i still not decided if i am going to use opposed rolls, unopposed rolls or both...., but for knockbacks, speed and stuff, i think basic math will do, like if the average attribute is 10, i could say that jump is DEX/10, that will give a one meter jump each 10 levesl, or something along these lines.
I gotta say, I don't think you're going to keep to a reasonable scale for effects with simple math, because the real world just won't fit in that way. While your stats might go up incrementally (7,8,9) the real-world equivalent may go up exponentially (49,64,81) or, more likely, through more complicated means (7, 7.5, 7.75). I'm not talking about pure realism, but just that you'll end up with some counter-intuitive results. In any case, try it out, and see what you get - if it gets counter intuitive, then think seriously about using a general (and easily rememberable) subjective scale:
5 - Easy / Short Distance
10 - Harder / Medium Distance

As for your combat example: Do you see how the pirate gets totally crushed by the gunfighter? Of course! He has a LOT more actions per round compared to the pirate - the poor bloke really had no chance, even if the pirate was slightly better skilled. Also, think about how this will play out when all 6 participants in a fight roll initiative for each round, and what it will be like if participants A and B have 4 action points, while C,D,E and F all have only 1.

Also, you talk about stuntlike mechanics. So, why bother with all those aim / readying actions? Firing / punching / dodging are interesting; aiming is not. (If you ask me, even taking multiple shots from the same position, repeatedly, isn't multiple stunts - it's really only one, in terms of effect.) Consider how Wushu takes the shackles off *limitations* to cool stunts (i.e. timing, rounds, the laws of physics). You may want to do something more moderate, but do consider it.


hmmmmm i see ^^

well, let me tell ya what i really wanted for a combat structure

all that messing with multiple actions and initiative, is because in movies, you will see that often in a swordfight, one is capacle of attacking twice, or sometimes, when attacked, the defender doesnt take an "defensive" maunever but strikes back :)

any ideas on this? thats what i really want, i dont want that super common, my turn, your turn, my turn, your turn.

and if i were to put "combos" in my RPG? you know, the fighting ones!
it would be very hard to make it balanced.

and you know, I dont want a truly cinematic system, i want a half-cinematic... like, physic can be exagerated, long jumps, faster running, peopl ebeing tossed 6-7 meters away, people lifting heavy things with just one hand, you know, but weapons still need to be aimed, shot are still very lethal (well, not so much, but lethal enough) and such, falling for example, could hurt a bit less, but thrown objects could do a bit more damage and go farther...

well... thanks for commenting :)

"Man who buys drowned cat pays for wet pussy" - Lo Wang

"When you are blue, and you dont know where to go to... put on the ritz" - Caleb


A rough patch to be certain.
Anime IS cinema. You've already acertained you want a focus on the deep drama and social interactions, the feelings, inner demons etc. This is a very character driven medium and going to lengths to apply physics during these duels kinda breaks with the flow.
Tis much more interesting to score a hit because I'm a badass mecha piolet or miss because I'm so enraged I can't think straight, and less so that I'm a badass piolet and miss a lacky or the fact I'm so pissed off because my opponent has been goading me that I strike a critical system.

Seems to counter the medium, unless its a high priority in the system/setting. Titles like Gundam Wing, that pay particularly close attention to levels of physics and mechanics could benefit, but others even in the Gundam series such as G Gundam, noted for its cinimatic and WWF style bouts, would suffer.

Per balance, I'd say check a discussion going on over in Theory right now about balance. In my experiance, balance only needs to exist in the system on a level that gives everyone *roughly* the same options. If I choose to spend 3 points on a single dual attack vs picking up three small attacks, thats my call. So long as all players have the opprotunity to participate, balance is achievable no matter individual power levels of "weaponry".
Nate Petersen / daMoose
Neo Productions Unlimited! Publisher of Final Twilight card game, Imp Game RPG, and more titles to come!


Conspiracy X has, in my opinion, an excellent co,bo system, but it is of course integrated with the rest of the game.  The key thing to understand is that you have a rating, and can perform q task of difficulty less than this rating automatically.  So for combo's, the player adds up the total difficulties of several actions, and then can do them in one "go", as long as they are skilled enough.

So a level 4 combatant (which is high) could for example do a block-punch-kick combo automatically (1+1+2=4), or perhaps a throw-punch combo (3+1) or similar.

This is very rough outline; the system proper is a lot more sophisticated.  But it does show a method of using combo's that does not depend on rolling for everything, or for resolving each act discretely.
Impeach the bomber boys:

"He who loves practice without theory is like the sailor who boards ship without a rudder and compass and never knows where he may cast."
- Leonardo da Vinci


well, ok then, lets say
then i just need to say
my system isnt anime, just looks like it :P
i dont want much exageration, i want to use the elements in anime that non-anime fans like, you see? well, you got the idea no matter what word I or you use =p

and man, i really liked that combo system XD

"Man who buys drowned cat pays for wet pussy" - Lo Wang

"When you are blue, and you dont know where to go to... put on the ritz" - Caleb