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[Tutorial RPG SYSTEM] -> Wacky Idea

Started by Shiruba, March 22, 2005, 08:06:22 PM

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No one never thought of gathering all the thinkin heads of the forum to build a tutorial RPG system?

some cheap material with lots of links and references?
and people discussing trivial stuff together instead of searchin for pearls at this big ocean of threads?

well, its just an idea, but maybe..well...if people make an effort, i think its doable, maybe the same could be done, get a popular RPG, and people gather and reverse engineer it :P

well, just an idea, anyway ^^;
"Man who buys drowned cat pays for wet pussy" - Lo Wang

"When you are blue, and you dont know where to go to... put on the ritz" - Caleb


I thought the "structured..." thread was about that.


oh yeah? didnt noticed... well. just wait for the moderators to poof this thread ^^
"Man who buys drowned cat pays for wet pussy" - Lo Wang

"When you are blue, and you dont know where to go to... put on the ritz" - Caleb