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Memorable Gaming Moments

Started by Domhnall, April 06, 2005, 10:01:12 AM

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James Holloway

Quote from: TonyLB
I get a warm smile just thinking about it.  I broke the GM by being too open to the cool possibilities of her story.
See, I was never open to the cool possibilities; I just don't like faeries or fairies or elfs or whatever. I'm playing a ruthless gunboat politico in a werewolf game, and the poor little fairies are in danger, under threat from some supervillain or other, and we hear about it, clearly as a hook.

"Fuck 'em."


"I said fuck 'em. What are we, the Justice League? I'm scheming for power over here. You're interrupting my scheming. Let me scheme."

We just weren't a good match for that game.

James Holloway

In fact, I was really a bitter gamer all throughout that period. Let me think of something actually good that happened...

Call of Cthulhu LARP played at a ranch up in the hills around San Jose. A character has been looking around in the barn, having seen smoke. A zombie (me) lumbers out of a stall in the barn and the player turns, vaults out through a window and goes running back toward the house. His bellowing attracts the rest of the PCs, who come out into the yard only to see the zombie lurching toward them. They freeze cold and then flush like quail except for one poor sod who realizes the zombie is between him and the house.

The player turns and goes tearassing on foot down the road to civilization, all alone.

He came back eventually, of course.


My first or second time GM'ing a game, it was the original Top Secret.  I have the guys make up spy characters, they're having a cool mission briefing, when I get the sudden inspiration to make their boss talk like Marlon Brando.  I think I must've watched the Godfather for the first time or something.  

So I read the whole briefing and some flavor text to them, the guys are totally concentrated on me, I've got a good feeling about this... I finish speaking.

My friend looks at me and asks, "What did you just say?"  They hadn't understood any of it.  

I think I shut up and got to the car chases pretty quickly after that.
I believe in peace and science.


So, this one time, we were playing AD&D2e in, like, middle school?  And our boat is attacked by the imperial navy?  And I'm like!  "Hey!  I'm a citizen of this empire!  Although we're winning the fight, let's surrender!  I'm sure this Lawful Evil Empire of Total Jerks will be nice to us!" (Which sounds all sarcastic, but I was like, totally sincere.)

So: the Empire of Total Jerks didn't look kindly on us anyway, so my surrender got all of us totally in trouble!

Then, we were enslaved, and had to fight gladitorial games to win our freedom!  During one of these, I ended up purposely dropping from a big net onto a minotaur's head, to surprise him.

NEVER JUMP ON A MINOTAUR'S HEAD!!!  This is wisdom you will not find elsewhere on the Forge, because they are not as perspicacious as me!

After my character recovered from groin surgery, we went exploring these ruins, and got surrounded by dragon-men, and the rest of us were disarmed except for one PC who played, like, a total Knight dude!  And the leader of the Dragon-Men challenged the Knight to single combat!

And I said, "Whoa!  Throw your sword at the Dragon-King, and spear him straight through!  It will be cool, like in a movie!"

And the Knight's player said, "Can I do that?"

And the DM said, "Well, you can try..."

And he tried!  And he failed!

Never throw your sword at the Dragon-King!!!  This is part two of the lesson.

So, he threw his sword, missed, and was disarmed.  The Dragon-Men then ate all of us.

So------ my memorable moment was causing a Total Party Kill due to extreme ineptness!  That was the last time I played RPG's for 10 years!  

Then, upon my very next campaign, I accidentally caused another Total Party Kill!  Never attack the Borg with your bare hands!!!

Then, on the next campaign, I caused another Total Party Kill!  Never shoot a delicate nuclear reactor cosmo-thingy with a laser gun!!!  

I think technically this last one ended up destroying the universe, or something, but I was too bummed out for causing THREE Total Party Kills in three consecutive campaigns by accident.
