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Posting the rules all over, sorry for the long post.

Started by Seth M. Drebitko, June 06, 2005, 12:53:45 AM

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Seth M. Drebitko

Ok I changed things around quite a bit so I will re-post each part.
Character Creation:

Species: The first thing you do when creating a character you must know what species he will be part of. At this point if your game master has not created species for the setting you as the player should take the time to create a species detail it in as many words as you must. After doing that you will have 25 words to highlight through the description to emphasis things that would have an important impact on the game. When you highlight your words you must highlight the entire sentence, the name of the species does not count towards your limit. Any words not used here will be rolled over into your background words.

Background: The next step in creating a character is to determine what experiences made them who they are. You are going to want to write up a detailed background of your character and just as with species you will have 125 words to highlight as well as any that roll over from species. Again the characters name will not count towards the max count.

Phrases: A phrase is some thing drawn from a characters past experience which will be emphasized as some thing important in the characters life. Phrases come in two major forms positives and negatives. Negatives will be things which have no upside to them what so ever and cause the character nothing but problems. Positives may have negatives inherently bound to them specifically but nothing that affects nearly every aspect of a characters life.
On a second note negatives and positives can be viewed in three different forms called scopes, general, ordered, and refined. General phrases cover brood spectrums such as sword play, thievery, teacher. Ordered phrases have some limits bound to them but not to specific, things such as light swords, breaking and entering, and teaching mathematics would be considered ordered. Refined are things described right down to the very specifics, such as rapiers, acrobatics, and geometry teaching.
When creating your character you will get 10 phrase ranks to either create separate phrases or by spending extra phrase ranks you can raise the value of a phrase. General phrases will cost 3 total phrases for each rank, ordered will be 2, and refined will be 1. If you need more phrases by taking negatives the same way as positive phrases you will gain that many positive phrases to work with.

Specialty Phrases: Any actions that could not be taken by a normal person no matter the setting will fall under these nine phrases which can be combined and checked against a difficulty to create special effects. These phrases will be, correspondence, entropy, elements, life, matter, mind, prime, spirit, and time. Each specialty phrase will cost 2 phrases. (I will do more with these when I get the time but they will basicaly be the same as mages spheres.

Stats: Stats measure the basic characteristics of a person forming a general idea of their pure raw capability. The stats used will be brawn, dexterity, intelligence, wisdom, personality, and willpower. Each stat will start at 8, 7 being the average for a normal person. By lowering a stat by any number of points you may put those points back into any other stats. You will have three more stats to record, minor wounds, mortal wounds, and fate. All of these stats will begin at zero.

Equipment: Referring to the Equipment section each character should have 48 points to distribute to all of his equipments stats, as well as 10 phrases. Using the rules, and logic you may create varied weapon's, vehicles, animal companions and such.

Game Play

Session start: Each stat will begin the game with a number of d6 in its dice pool equal to it's rate. At the beginning of every session if your dice pool is under the stats normal value bring it back to its starting, if however it is more than its starting then you get to keep the extra dice.

Rolling the dice: When you take any action you must declare how many dice you will be using. On a roll of 1 you take a dice away from you fate, on a 6 you may add a dice to your fate, on a roll of 2 or 4 add these to determine success rate, on a 3 subtract one from your stat pool, on a 5 add one to your stat.

Mundane actions: when taking a mundane action you must chose the number of dice in the related dice pool to roll never rolling more than the stats total. Any phrases that relate to the action will add a number of dice equal to their ranks, these dice will not add to fate or subtract from stats. When the gm sets difficulty he should use the following method, and yes players get negatives and positives for bad or good narration of their actions.
Penalties, is not familiar with action-2, distracted -2-4, long range-2, difficult-0-12, half mortal points gone -2 per point beyond, no description, poor/no description -2-4.
Positives, +2 per extra turn taken to perform, +2 per fate point burned, good description +2-4, aided +2 per person.

Special actions: By mixing the special phrases the character has as well as maybe those an item may have you will create an effect. First step is to figure out what phrases will make up the effect average out the phrase rank and add those dice. The only difference between a normal action and a mundane is that generally with magic or high tech things like nanites, when you fail your difficulty rate you take a number of minor wounds equal to your failure.
Negatives, all are the same except for area -2-6, shaped -2, no foci -2(like a magic wand nanites, or a ritual), how much it goes against natural order -0-10.
Positives, foci +2, used often +2.

Opposed actions: When to things are acting against each other the gm gives each a difficulty rate which ever force passes their difficulty by the most wins the action.

Advancing: At the end of each session the players will keep a journal of their characters adventures, and the gm will award a number of words they can highlight. For every 20 words they gain they get a new phrase. When a character ends a session with twice his stats value in dice he will raise the stat by one point and empty the pool.


Initiative: each person should have a small stack of cards numbered from 1 up to what ever their stat  is. They are then shuffled at the beginning of combat each person flips a card the person with the highest goes first and then the person below them.

Attacking: an attack counts as an opposed roll.

Number of actions: Each person may take any number of action they desire. However each action beyond the 4th takes a cumulative -2. Defensive and reactionary actions count towards this.

Damage: When taking damage the attacker may add any number from the related stats pool, as well as any appropriate phrases in dice. The player will then roll and the opponent takes a number of minor damage equal to the attackers roll. The enemy will then roll a number of dice they choice from brawn, if they roll over their mortal wounds they take no damage but those wounds will stack with any new ones. If the person fails the roll they take 1 mortal, for every 6 they fail by add another mortal. You have a number of mortal equal to your brawn.


Stats: Items have stats just like characters an may add dice from those pools to any relevant roll. The only difference is that when rolling 3, and 5 take away from the item to show it degrading. Also the only way an item will gain fate is by some one trained (having a relating phrase) repairing the item, for each point they succeed bye they add one fate which may them be added to a stats pool. Keep in mind that items have hp and brawn to avoid being broken just like characters. When a person wants an animal companion or some thing along those lines they build it as per an item but it will be treated in game like a person.

Phrases: Example positive phrases for items would be things like, slashing, bludgeoning, protective (for taking away from damage). Negative phrases might be, short, inaccurate, cumbersome.
Please enjoy the system and be logical about creating things.
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The adventure's just begun!