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Interaction Glasgow - Worldcon 2005

Started by erithromycin, August 05, 2005, 09:07:20 PM

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First off, it's this weekend, and started on Thursday, so this thread is late.

Secondly, there's been a few RPG and gaming topics on the programme, and I've done my best to get the Forge word out (though Mr. Cake was the one who gave a solo seminar on the basics of GNS theory and did a damn good job of it too). Unfortunately, the gaming presence is limited to a couple of gaming rooms and the odd programme piece, without a presence at the dealers fair at all, so there's been no chance to drag people to get the games that they want.

It has, however, been tremendously interesting to talk to members of all sorts of other roleplaying scenes, even in short bursts, and on that basis I think I've managed to point a few people in the direction of Sorcerer, Dogs in the Vineyard, and at least one in the direction of the Burning Wheel.

Thirdly, is any else Forgey here at Worldcon? I'm tempted to ask if it, and other SF conventions which touch on roleplaying, should be the next focus for spreading the word, but that might belong in another section.
my name is drew

"I wouldn't be satisfied with a roleplaying  session if I wasn't turned into a turkey or something" - A