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Boost and Vitality (split)

Started by Rich, September 07, 2005, 02:40:12 AM

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So can Vitality be used to keep aging at bay? In other words to keep the user vital?

Ron Edwards

Split from A question on Boost and Vitality.

Hi Rich, and welcome! As you can see, I've split your post into its own thread. That's 'cause we follow some rules here about how long threads remain active. (See the Sticky in Site Discussion)

You're still m'boy, though, because you were cruising through old threads and reading them.

Anyway, to answer your question, "yes." Vitality is an extremely flexible ability. However, its interpretation for that demon in that game needs to be established early in the process - the ability does not bequeath all its possible interpretations at all times.




Thanks very much Ron! Sorry about the forum-etiquette faux pas.