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A Model for a CRPG?

Started by M. J. Young, August 19, 2005, 02:29:00 AM

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Haven't got a reply to that, other than...   I'm pondering.  Certainly it is a case of failed expectations.   :)

Anyway, wanted to make sure you knew your comment was not being ignored, just causing thought which had not yet popped out an answer.

Callan S.

It could also be a matter of contrast. I imagine it would be hard to get into the light side choices, if you had just had a real life nar session which was really intense and cathartic. KOTOR would pale in comparison with that. Though in that case, you couldn't blame the game designers for not keeping up with a real life game. But you can blame them for not keeping up with themselves (with the dark side choices).
Philosopher Gamer