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[Fate Walkers] New Game Concept. Please abuse. :)

Started by Tobaselly, September 28, 2005, 09:00:07 PM

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If anyone is interested, here is the initial Rough Draft.

It's definitly lacking good description, purpose, a good steamline and all of that other fun stuff, but it does carry terminology, usage and has the beginnings of some layout concepts.

Give it a glance, it's free, small (5 pages with lots of white space), and i think i'm gona run some test games over the weekend to give it a try and see if there are any glaring issues that should be worked out.

Mike Holmes

Quote from: Tobaselly on September 30, 2005, 12:33:46 AM
not to be a pain but the definition in the glossary is distinctly lacking any sort of substance on the the meaning of narrativism and the essay avoids giving it any direct defination.
Well, I'd disagree, but if you need clarification, that's what the GNS forum is for.

In any case, this leaves us no closer to understanding your goal statement about narration. Could you just give a plain english description of what you mean, yourself, by that?

Member of Indie Netgaming
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Sure, The players tell a story on their turn about their god, their religion, their followers, pretty much whatever that they want, with two contraints their story can only include the "things" of another god that they have influence with. The second constraint is their turn begins to ends when they describe an action (something that affects their sheet or another person's sheet)  or conflict with another player's god. The players involved roll against each other to determine the outcome of the action and the winner of the roll describes how the actions turned out. It then moves to the next player's turn.
