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Eloquence Fantasy Roleplaying Game

Started by Jediblack, September 28, 2005, 09:49:09 PM

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Hi folks,
I wrote this little (one page) rpg. It's a parody, nothing more than a joke, but I think it's amusing. I tried to insert "table mechanics" in every skill check. What do you think? Is it worth a couple of hours session?

See you, and thanks for all comments.

(Bad English? Let me know... I translated it from Italian)
These flowers of darkness will help my mind not to forget my past.

Mike Holmes

Hi Jedi, what's your real name?

Anyhow, somebody creates this game about every three months or so. Nothing wrong with it, it's just been done with minor variations dozens of times.

One of the better known ones, because it was published, is Twerps (The Worlds Easiest Role Play System). Here's a site that might give you some idea:

Another is Risus:

But, well, I'll bite, let's look at your system: what interests me is the advancment system. Is the "Oh that old story" rule meant to say that players can limit each other's advancement? Basically are there limits to chargen and advancement? It seems really easy, otherwise, to have a character who automatically succeeds at every roll.

I also like that the character is retired upon reaching the Dream. I think that's a very appropriate addition for such a rules light game. Some of these things require some judgement calls. Is this a player choice, GM choice (is there a GM?), or consensus?

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Quote from: Mike HolmesHi Jedi, what's your real name?

Hi Mike, my real name's Davide Mazzocchi.

Quote from: Mike Holmeswhat interests me is the advancment system. Is the "Oh that old story" rule meant to say that players can limit each other's advancement? Basically are there limits to chargen and advancement? It seems really easy, otherwise, to have a character who automatically succeeds at every roll.

At chargen time you haven't limits: yo get 4 anedoctes do describe your character. You gain 3 point for each anedocte... 4 if it anyone laughes at it.

At "level up" time there are limits. You can't tell the same tale twice, other players rule that. I thought that stories come from the recent session(s) so everyon has something to tell (2 or 3 anedoctes for 2 or 3 points). If you try to retell something other player can interrupt you.

Reaching high levels seems easy to me too. So The Dream can reset the game after three or four adventures. Think... if you automatically succeed, you haven't to tell funny sentences and you don't laugh. That so boring... so let's create brand you characters and restart telling oddities!

Quote from: Mike Holmesalso like that the character is retired upon reaching the Dream. I think that's a very appropriate addition for such a rules light game. Some of these things require some judgement calls. Is this a player choice, GM choice (is there a GM?), or consensus?

There's a GM. He tell's the ongoing story and rule the combat: more or less a standard GM. He uses monsters and can tell funny sentences too... but if players laugh he gets a bonus like others, and this is not a good news.
These flowers of darkness will help my mind not to forget my past.