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Rise Again (third draft, on the net)

Started by xiombarg, March 23, 2002, 09:18:12 AM

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Quote from: Mike HolmesNow yer talkin. How would you delineate the power? What constitutes a "complication"?

Those, my friend, are excellent questions, which is why it isn't in the rules yet. ;-) Suggestions, anyone?
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Mike Holmes

Something like the player hosed gets a -3 on the current roll because of the complication. The player can define it any way he wants, but should keep the -3 penalty level in mind when doing so.

"Oops, sorry Benny, looks like that 'hostile operative' you just shot was in fact an innocent kid from the neighborhood. That'll be a minus three on your roll to retain your current responsibility rating. While I collect one point."

This is just an example, you can probably do better.

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That way you could use such a system to skip the boring bits (okay, yes, we sneak around with no problem) and skip straight to the part that makes a difference.

Part of the reason I don't want to chuck the "individual make a difference heroic bias" (or, considering the way the system is broken up, "anti-heroic bias" may be more apporpriate) is the emphasis is on individual decisions and individual morality.

That would work I think, and in part I was headed in that direction for a bit but decided that the individual actions in most games just tend not to be narrative, and wanted to dodge it until I had a solution. But by having the ability to put action either "in focus" to detail out when you want to show your individuals trials and self-determinant elements, but then "blur out" in order to skip every single firefight that doesn't in anyway challenge the individual emotionally/'ll probably get a good overall tone.