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Another "Mini Iron Game Chef" event, with PRIZES!!

Started by Andy Kitkowski, October 27, 2005, 08:56:00 PM

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Andy Kitkowski

Hey guys, I'm sure most of y'all are familiar with the Iron Game Chef contest ( Anyway, the folks running a local NC game convention (MACE) contacted me to set up a live (that is, phsyical copy and convention-based) game chef thing.

We straightened out their ideas to make a blend of traditional elements (combat!) and more innovative stuff (rule restrictions, kinda like this year's regular Game Chef event). Hopefully it'll be interesting and fun.

Now, only a very few people will be going to MACE, so I'm setting up a tandem version of this contest.  You'll have a little over two weeks to participate, and must submit your entries by Sunday, November 13th. Follow the instructions below, and submit your game to ME ONLY at gamechef ATMARK gmail DOT com <---- that's my game chef email address, divided up for anti-spam purposes.

Here's info about the contest:

Here's the rules:

As this isn't a full-fledged Game Chef event, it's going to be a small, minor thing, so there's not going to be the mad activity on the 1km1kt game chef boards and the like, but if you want help with your ideas, feel free to post in this forum (not in this thread, but in a forum dedicated to your game).

I will be the sole judge, but I may recruit others if we have a huge amount of entries. The winner will receive... dum-dum-dum!  THREE PRINTED COPIES of their game, printed in grand quality via Lulu.  As for the cover, it will be stupid-simple and perhaps unattractive, but if after the contest the winner wants to take some time editing, laying out and adding a cover to her winning entry then I'll take that version as the printed version.

Yummmm, PRIZES!

If you want to participate, feel free to chime in here with a sample of your idea, but for Real Work on the game (feedback, etc), please create your own thread.

The Story Games Community - It's like RPGNet for small press games and new play styles.

Josh Roby

You know, not to derail anything, but a Game Chef (-like) contest at a con would be an interesting experiment.  Like, getting all the contestants in the same room, displaying the required elements then and there, and then designing at and during the con.  Have an event at the end of the con where the results are revealed and perhaps even played.  Maybe do it in teams rather than single-author mode.  It'd either be awesome or terrible, or perhaps both.
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Tony Irwin

Hi Andy,

Do we register for your competition, or just submit in time?



Andy Kitkowski

Quote from: Tony Irwin on October 27, 2005, 11:47:14 PM
Do we register for your competition, or just submit in time?

Hey man, just submit it in time.  If you WANT to, you can post a quick blurb here about your idea, but it's not required. And any serious followup work should of course be taken to Game Design.

Note that the registration requirements (as noted on the pages I linked to above) are if you're actually going to go to MACE (the Convention).  However, for the purposes of this thread it doesn't really have anything to do with MACE, it's just a tandem event that I'm running because I want to see what people do with the ingredients. Just email me the submission and it's kosher.

Thanks Tony!

The Story Games Community - It's like RPGNet for small press games and new play styles.

Bret Gillan

My game idea: Comrade Jesus vs. the Mutants

Players play the Apostles, following Comrade Jesus through the Siberian Wasteland and helping him to dismantle the mutant-run Factories which are kept running by the slave labor of the Proletariat. Crazy action scenes ensue.

It sounds wacky, but bear with me. I'm pretty excited about it. I'll probably have a design post for it sometime tomorrow.

Darcy Burgess

Well, I've been twice bitten by IGC... so I've kept a lid on things until now.  I'm more or less convinced that I've got a workable item now, so I'll belly up to the bar and throw my hat in the ring.

More euphemisms, anyone?

Sure, why not.  Without further ado,

The Priestlings sent you here to find your one true love and save your people.  It's a heavy load to carry, being chosen by a dead man of questionable sanity.  Still, you feel the tugging at your heart, and there is no questioning your resolve – you'll find her, and woe befall any who get in your way.

"Bathed in blood, the deliverer will wed the daughter of the dawn."
That's what's written on the Sacred Wall.  Well, those Sniffers lurking in the rubble are about to help you make good on the first part...

It's going to be a blood fest, steeped in overacting, with every character a prophecy-totin' hombre.

Pistols at dawn, guv?
Black Cadillacs - Your soapbox about War.  Use it.

Jason Morningstar

Good on you for doing this, Andy! 

Me and at least two other Forge regulars are entering the MACE contest proper.  From what I've seen the entries will be excellent and I'm pretty stoked about mine:  Communism, ruined city, romance.  Play a boy scout or girl guide during the Warsaw uprising, august-october 1944. Deliver mail.  Kill nazis.  Fall in love. 


Darcy Burgess

Black Cadillacs - Your soapbox about War.  Use it.

Jason Morningstar

OK Andy, what ever came of this?  Who won your contest?  Did I miss the announcement or are you a big slacker?


Darcy Burgess

Jason --

When I submitted, Andy kindly confirmed that my email had reached him.  At the same time, he mentioned that it would probably take a week or two to get the judging done.

So, he's still got time before "big slacker" becomes a proper moniker... :grin:

Black Cadillacs - Your soapbox about War.  Use it.