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Knutepunkt 05 book finally online.

Started by J. Tuomas Harviainen, October 11, 2005, 09:43:56 AM

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J. Tuomas Harviainen

Just noticed that the corrected electronic edition of Dissecting Larp, the proceedings book of this year's annual Nordic larp conference, if finally online at

Apparently the "complete book" link will give you a pdf version of the sadly mangled printed version, so please use the single article links to access the material. Those too are /still/ editorially sloppy, but at least the material is now availlable in reasonably correct form.


Jason Morningstar

Thanks for posting this - I had been waiting for it to come out.  The "crash course" essay was very informative and cleared up some of my misconceptions about the nordic scene.  I've just started exploring the other articles.
