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[Badass Space Marines] Inspired by Descent

Started by MikeSands, December 07, 2005, 11:26:10 PM

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I have to admit that this and Descent are truly great ideas, and gave inspiration to come up with a system of my own.
Now I'd like to know if I can have your permission ot use the name Badass Space Marines, because it truly kicks ass. ;)
I'll post my version here (or to a thread of its own) after I have a ready beta-version.
(That means in a couple of days, I'm planning to run a BSM-scenario during the holidays to see how it works.)

Antti Luukkonen
SilverBear Games


I'm afraid I want to keep "Badass Space Marines" as the title for my version. Sorry.


Okay. So I'll just have to come up with something of my own. :)
Antti Luukkonen
SilverBear Games