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Beef Injection: Tim Denee's Punk

Started by Ron Edwards, April 17, 2002, 09:32:57 PM

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Tim Denee


I like the game -whatever the name. I don't understand what's so wrong with the name 'punk', actually. To quote the original 'punk' message;

I get annoyed by 'punk' games; steampunk, cyberpunk, and so on. They always focus too much on the first part, (the 'steam' or 'cyber'), and not enough on the 'punk'.

So the name 'Punk' points at the attitude of these games/genres, not to people with spiky hair or whatever. It's not a game about the punks, it's about the attitude. Like 'the punk way of doing things'. The punk way of computer operation.

I really liked it. I wish that this game'd existed (and I'd read it) before I wrote Singularity (my cyberpunk game). And sorry for replying so late, I hope I'm not repeating others' comments.

N. Gizem Forta
- London calling, yes I was there too

PS: My favourite punk lyrics from the Clash, I think they are very representative of the feel:
when they kick at your front door/how you gonna come?/with your hands on your head/or on the trigger of your gun?
when the law break in/how you gonna go?/shot down on the pavement/or waiting in death row?


The punk way of computer operation.

With a LART.  So - is the BOFH Punk?

Edit: of course, why did I not think of this earlier.
Impeach the bomber boys:

"He who loves practice without theory is like the sailor who boards ship without a rudder and compass and never knows where he may cast."
- Leonardo da Vinci


Holy crap people, this is like reading issues of MAXIMUMROCKNROLL from when I was 15. Trying to define 'Punk' is absolutely useless, it's a word like 'shit' that can mean damn near anything from 'cool' to 'weak' to 'wild', etc...

I read Punk when it was first posted about here, and my reaction was 'this game isn't about punk, it's about No Logo-type street activists / ad jammers / busters, monkeywrenchers, Fight Club, etc.'. But that's because my definition of the word is at least slightly different than most of yours. It seems like I'm the only Forge member who actually WAS a punk rocker. And the name of the game doesn't (er, didn't) bother me any. It's not important that the name isn't totally accurate, the media would refer to street activists as 'punks' because it's a negative word in the media.

Anyways, not here to rant... Some other great punk and punkish flicks include: Another State of Mind, Suburbia, Breaking Glass, Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fabulous Stains, Over The Edge, Rude Boy and check out the books 'Get In The Van' by Henry Rollins, or 'Lobotomy' by Dee Dee Ramone. SLC Punk sucks. That movie is Hot Topic Punk. :P LOL.

Home of 2 Page Action Movie RPG & the freeware version of Dead Meat: Ultima Carneficina Dello Zombi!


Impeach the bomber boys:

"He who loves practice without theory is like the sailor who boards ship without a rudder and compass and never knows where he may cast."
- Leonardo da Vinci


Quote from: Ron Edwards
The value of punk is its artistry. What happens among these groups? Adopt the devalued items of commercial ("real") culture, and give them value, wearing trash and utility items for jewelry. Devalue the valued items of commercial culture – is healthy, primped, and pampered hair cool? Make it gaudy, easy to care for, and crude. Is the body revered? Be fat, skinny, or scar it up. Ugly is a statement, statements have value. The more they don't get it, the more it means. In a kind of weird way, adopt the features of acknowledged disenfranchised groups (usually black people, even if your immediate circle is racist) and appropriate them into new combinations.So my call is this: if Punk (the RPG) is to stay punk, then the key is art. Can you get the band together? Can they suddenly prompt, or express, or just somehow result in a 1000 people in one place, glorying in the realization that they're all angry about the same thing? Can they be at the vanguard of that "amazing moment"? Can you say what needs to be said, even though in five years, brainless overprivileged teenagers will be quoting you and your words will have lost their power?

Fuck art.  Art glorifies the struggle of the underdog to the point that actual success is a betrayal.  Art tells you to hold on to your drama when you can get over it and move on.  Art describes the tragic beauty and gruesome tableau of massive head trauma instead of getting a bandage.  Art kills.  It provides a fake shared experience to facilitate cultures ability to make more art.

How much art can you take anyway?
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Tim Denee

So anyway, the link above was actually to a rewritten version, (with a nifty little steam gauge illustration). That link again:

Now, howzat?