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[GothCon, Sweden] The Indie Room, with Forge games

Started by Jonas Ferry, April 01, 2006, 03:00:42 PM

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Jonas Ferry

Hello all,

The Easter weekend (14th to 16th of April) I'm arranging an event called the Indie Room at Sweden's largest gaming convention GothCon. With me I have seven great people, including Peter Nordstrand and Arvidos who are members at the Forge, who will game master the games we're bringing.

We're going to have a room dedicated to independent role-playing games, mostly Forge-style, but also some Swedish games. The Swedish ones will be game mastered by the authors themselves, and will hopefully be a way for them to reach some people who wouldn't find their games otherwise. We'll try to keep the room open as much as possible during the con, and will do anything from 15-minute demos to full 5-hour scenarios.

I've created a homepage, in Swedish. Even if you don't know any Swedish you can check out our game page to see what we're bringing. I've used scanned cover pictures or borrowed pictures from the games' own pages, and if you don't want me use your image please tell me and I'll take it down.

We're also running a scheduled scenario of Dogs in the Vineyard called "The Fall of Snowriver." It's a 5-hour scenario that will run three times, probably with around 5 groups each time. The Dogs will handle a family who overworks their fields to get out of town, help a girl choose which of two brothers to marry and maybe talk a hermit down from a mountain.

The main reason of this post is to advertise a bit to Swedes who wouldn't think that they could find Forge games at a Swedish con. Another reason is of course to give you all a chance to come with suggestions and comments on how to run things and any games we might have overlooked.
One Can Have Her, film noir roleplaying in black and white.

Check out the indie RPG category at Wikipedia.

Peter Nordstrand


I'll be there on friday (only), and I want to play lots and lots and lots of The Shab-al-Hiri Roach. If you know already that you want to taste the Roach on GothCon, PM me to make an appointment. Or you can just show up and hope for the best.


Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
     —Grey's Law


The Indie Room.


I'll be there. Armed with The Shadow of Yesterday and The Mountain Witch.

And a Trollbabe by my side, Dogs in the Vineyard up my sleeve and a Primetime Adventures in my boot.

So, all Swedes reading this: I do hope to see you there and I'd love to get to game with you.

Anders Sveen