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Some Sorcerer Setting pdfs

Started by Old_Scratch, April 24, 2006, 11:47:11 PM

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When Reason Sleeps...

The first one was partially developed in this thread:

The second one:

...was first developed here:

My group has gotten together to game for a while, so I thought I'd post the stuff I put together in a more presentable and slightly refined format, hoping that someone out there might be inspired or get some use out of it. If you do manage to get some play out of it, do post an Actual Play here or elsewhere...


The first link there doesn't work...



Thanks, here is the corrected link for the Nightmare Sorcerers setting:

R. Jason Boss

Wow, very cool stuff.  I don't have a copy of Sorcerer yet but I'm very intrigued by the dreamworld settings, always the type of thing I've been into (including many of the inspirations listed in the settings there).  Thanks for sharing these!  I hope to have the opportunity to try one or more of them out!


Thanks. I really like the Dreamworlds settings as well. It's neat, sort of three different takes on the same concept, each with its own distinct feel.

Sinister Reflections

Anyhow, here's another playtest pdf, this one is about your awakened reflection being your demon, with a twist of The Picture of Dorian Grey added as well.

It uses a new ritual, Communion, which I am very uncertain of. Any feedback would be appreciated, and again, any Actual Plays would be great as well:

I'd love to playtest these myself, but for some reason, someone is trying to start a World of Warcraft campaign right now, which I'm not eager about to say the least... so it looks like my group won't be playtesting any of this stuff for a while... Say, anyone in Orange County playing any indie games right now? ;)

Eric J-D

I'll leave more detailed feedback about this when I get a chance to playtest it, but I wanted to shoot a quick reply and say that I love your use of Francis Bacon's work.

