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So my copy of It Was a Mutual Decision arrived, wee!

Started by Nev the Deranged, May 24, 2006, 01:44:25 AM

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Nev the Deranged

I'm psyched to try and sneak this into my regular board gaming group and see if I can make it sing. In the interest of that, I'm pondering taking a dry erase board and permanently inscribing just the bare bones skeleton of the play-sheet onto it. I don't want to interfere with the "build it from scratch together" feel, but I do want to provide a visual guideline and a physical, boardlike artifact to put between everyone.

To that end, I'm interested in seeing play sheets other groups have created. I know the game *just* came out, and probably not that many folks have played, but if you have, and you happen to still have your play sheet, I wouldn't mind seeing a pic of it.



Yeah, my copy of It Was A Mutual Decision arrived yesterday.  I've already read it thurougly.  I was a little confused by the layout of the game sheet as well.  When it is first described I imagined a standard 81/2x11 sheet of paper with the name of one character written along the top edge and the scores running down from the name.  Then you rotate it 180 degrees there's the name of the other character along the other edge with the scores running down from it.

However, the book then talks about writing the names of friends and family members "behind" the names.  Which seems to suggest that the names don't go at the ends of the paper at all but more towards middle.  The diagram later in the book seems to back this up as well.

So, now I'm thinking about an 81/2x11 sheet of of paper being held length wise.  The names of the characters are centered around the 1/4 and 3/4 marks if you were to fold the paper into fourths.  The names are upside down relative to each other and the scores trickle down towards each team, so you get kind of a propeller look.  Then names of friends and family go in the first and last quarter of the paper with mutual friends and (family!?) going in the center half.  I'm not sure where I'd put the Relationship score.  Maybe somewhere down the 1/2 fold?


Ron Edwards

Do it however you like, guys. Nev, it's intended to be a messy scratch sheet just like we did at Forge Midwest. Jesse, if you pull out a ruler and a protractor to design a perfect official IWAMD character sheet, I'll hit you.

Nev, I strongly suggest you simply lay out the blank whiteboard blank in the middle, to start. I agree about the solidity of the artifact, but I really think you should trust the game as written and let people draw lines as they see fit during the prep phase.

Best, Ron


Quote from: Ron Edwards on May 24, 2006, 01:48:32 PM
Jesse, if you pull out a ruler and a protractor to design a perfect official IWAMD character sheet, I'll hit you.

[Strung Out Drug Addict] Must... Have... Symetry... [/Strung Out Drug Addict]

Okay... Fine.

Jesse (Who grumbles when he doesn't have a ruler on hand to setup a score card for spades).

Nev the Deranged

Quote from: Ron Edwards on May 24, 2006, 01:48:32 PM
Do it however you like, guys. Nev, it's intended to be a messy scratch sheet just like we did at Forge Midwest. Jesse, if you pull out a ruler and a protractor to design a perfect official IWAMD character sheet, I'll hit you. Nev, I strongly suggest you simply lay out the blank whiteboard blank in the middle, to start. I agree about the solidity of the artifact, but I really think you should trust the game as written and let people draw lines as they see fit during the prep phase.

Right, I figured that. I wanted to keep that feel, so all I was really gonna do was put spaces for the two names and the scores, and leave the rest of it blank. I was thinking about fiddling at coming up with a "perfect" sheet, but if threats of physical violence are involved, I'll pass =P