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Low blow for Aegri Somnia Press

Started by Seth M. Drebitko, July 06, 2006, 07:50:02 AM

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Seth M. Drebitko

Recently I had agreed to work with an individual on a project I don't wish to disclose the details exactly I will pick up work on it some other time maybe. All that needs to be said is I invested money into the project lost it when the person destroyed my onlyhard copies of the work I had done erased my computer of any trace of the work and took what he thought was a back up disk. In truth the actual contents of the disk was simply a computer virus that will destroy his computer when he uploads the contents it was a little bit of security in case he back stabbed me like he did.

Needless to say I must recover from this little set back but no worries I am nearly ready to put up the download for the sketchy play test version of Reflections, as well as putting up the fiction for A Fantasy Heart Breaker. Indie Exposure will be published but as it stands there is not very much support for it I need to build a better fan base first (which I should have done I was to eager trying to push it so soon).

Regards, Seth
MicroLite20 at
The adventure's just begun!

Ron Edwards

Is there some topic of discussion you're interested in pursuing here?

If so, then explain it carefully. Because all I'm seeing is a nasty, vicious bit of adolescence.

Best, Ron

Seth M. Drebitko

Well not to discuss but on the forums I had mentioned things I would be able to provide to people, I simply wanted to explain why I would be unable to. Reading over it though it comes across strong, but the only intention was to let people know why production was slowed a great deal.
Regards, Seth
MicroLite20 at
The adventure's just begun!

Justin D. Jacobson

I suppose it could serve as an [admittedly obvious] cautionary tale.

People: Keep several backups at different locations and update regularly.

And don't get lazy or complacent about it. Just last year, I lost about half of a supplement I was working on because I lost my flash drive and hadn't downloaded it to my two computers recently.
Facing off against Captain Ahab, Dr. Fu Manchu, and Prof. Moriarty? Sure!

Passages - Victorian era, literary-based high adventure!

Ron Edwards

Justin, that is a kind interpretation, and I respect it. However, I am taking a harsher view.


I think any number of people who would have considered working with you are now reconsidering dramatically, based on your post.

Specifically, why would anyone want to work with someone who (a) obviously has poor backup and replication skills, (b) keeps a computer virus handy for attacking others, and (c) brags publicly about using it? That person sounds like a professional victim, not a reliable or productive ally colleague.

Don't reply to this post. You've done enough damage to yourself. I strongly recommend revising your practices and outlook before posting in this forum again. Your position is recoverable, but only by demonstrating it.

If anyone would like to give Seth a chance to demonstrate that he is not, in fact, the person he has (I hope inadvertently) represented himself to be in the above posts, then contact him privately. This thread is closed.

Best, Ron

Seth M. Drebitko

Well in my defense if you may on a few key points.

I had the information saved both on my computer and in note books which is fairly organized in my opinion.

The virus was a precautionary "back up" used just in case said individual tried to steal my work. I knew for a fact they could not mistakenly put this on their computer because it was in a locked drawer. As for the reason of having the virus other than the yes petty and childish attempt at stabbing back at some one who has destroyed my work, I would hope that this virus would discourage said individual from attempting to steal anything else from me. His computer would not actually be destroyed as well that was poor choice in wording more or less he would have to take every thing off and put it back on.

Regards, Seth
MicroLite20 at
The adventure's just begun!

Ron Edwards

Closed is closed. Do not post to closed threads.