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looking for card POD

Started by phetish, June 12, 2006, 08:24:34 AM

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Quote from: Ron Edwards on June 17, 2006, 02:45:29 PM
I do not recommend RapidPOD. Ken Whitman makes a career out of telling people what they want to hear. "Ninety days or so" is standard bullshit.

We have been able to make POD cards for about 2 months.   However, the ability to mass produce cards in a timely manor requires tens of thousands of dollars in equipment - which is why POD cards are not predominate in the market.

The reason we have the POD cards on hold is that once the flood gates are open there in NO way we can keep up with demand. 

We have been working on how to make POD cards quickly - which we have now mastered.   We can produce about 100-60 card decks in an hour BUT also have problems with booster packs and randomization.  The equipment is too expensive!

At this point we are about 30 days away.

Ron Edwards


Instead of telling people what you're about to be able to do and when you might be able to finish something, you should tell people exactly what you can actually do and stick to doing it. Once that happens, consistently, then you'll see me supporting your company. Right now, there are many excellent POD companies that do exactly what they promote, and at present, yours does not begin to compete.

Best, Ron

Joshua A.C. Newman

Really? In 30 days?

Ken, Under the Bed has been on the market for almost two years. You spoke to me when I was first looking for printers and told me that you'd be able to print me cards in 30 days, that the system was almost worked out and you'd be able to do my production runs.

I have no doubt that you want this to be true. It's not like any of us have money worth swindling. But every "about to" and "in 30 days" you say makes you less and less professional.

But honestly, I don't care about your professionalism. I care about getting my product manufactured. I want to have confidence that my manufacturers can do their jobs. When I see some things that you've produced and I see them made in a reasonable amount of time (i.e. the amount of time you agreed to take when the job was set up) then I'll consider your service. Until then, Under the Bed is produced at Collective Copies, alongside Polaris and Dogs in the Vineyard, and The Shab Al-Hiri Roach is produced at Kinko's.

Both Jason and I want something better, but we don't just want to be told we'll get something better.
the glyphpress's games are Shock: Social Science Fiction and Under the Bed.

I design books like Dogs in the Vineyard and The Mountain Witch.


Quote from: Joshua A.C. Newman on July 03, 2006, 03:28:51 PM
Really? In 30 days?

Ken, Under the Bed has been on the market for almost two years. You spoke to me when I was first looking for printers and told me that you'd be able to print me cards in 30 days, that the system was almost worked out and you'd be able to do my production runs.

I have no doubt that you want this to be true. It's not like any of us have money worth swindling. But every "about to" and "in 30 days" you say makes you less and less professional.

But honestly, I don't care about your professionalism. I care about getting my product manufactured. I want to have confidence that my manufacturers can do their jobs. When I see some things that you've produced and I see them made in a reasonable amount of time (i.e. the amount of time you agreed to take when the job was set up) then I'll consider your service. Until then, Under the Bed is produced at Collective Copies, alongside Polaris and Dogs in the Vineyard, and The Shab Al-Hiri Roach is produced at Kinko's.

Both Jason and I want something better, but we don't just want to be told we'll get something better.

This year at Origens we produced two card games for 5 Minute Games.  125 decks of each.  The problem is that the process took 20 hours, much to slow to make it profitable.  So, before I open my mouth- I NEED to make sure we can handle the work flow. 

So its taking so long, but there is a very good reason no one is doing short run card games—because its a lot of work for a little money.

We have already decided that all card games will need to be printed in lots of 100.  So, I dont know if what we produce will be good for every company.


Joshua A.C. Newman

Ken, you've already opened your mouth. You're continually making promises. Just produce some stuff in appropriate volume already. Prove that you're not just making stuff up to say what people want to hear.

100 units at a time is how I publish UtB. But I see no reason to trust your service until I see you producing what you say you can. If you'd made no promises at all, hadn't been saying "in 30 days" for years, I'd try you out. As it stands, you're selling snake oil.

PS Under the Bed has been on the market for one year, not two. I first started looking at publishing options two years ago, though. Sorry about the inadvertent lying in my above post.
the glyphpress's games are Shock: Social Science Fiction and Under the Bed.

I design books like Dogs in the Vineyard and The Mountain Witch.

Ron Edwards

Joshua, knock it off. What possible expectation can you have for Ken to admit anything or to say something you want him to say? If you want to conduct a pissing match, private email is where you should take it.

All the information is available for people to read, so this thread is now closed.

Best, Ron