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Forge representation at RoyalCon Montreal?

Started by walkerp, August 17, 2006, 05:36:41 PM

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RoyalCon is taking place in Montreal September 23-24.  We're a first time con, shooting for 200 people.  Our underlying theme is bringing the gaming community together and roleplaying diversity.  We have very little representation from the indy world and we would love to change that.  I've found a couple of indy gamers hiding in the woodwork here. One of them is going to run his own game and the other is moving before the con!  So my plea is if there is anyone of you in or near Montreal who wants to run a game, please sign up or contact me.  This is a creative, cultured city so I know there has got to be a market for innovative rpgs.  I'm also curious if there are any francophone indy gamers here.  Thanks!
RoyalCon 2006
La convention de jeux de Montréal's Roleplaying Convention