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[1001 Nights Play Aids] Name Generator

Started by foucalt, September 18, 2006, 08:35:32 PM

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I emailed Meguey a while back about this, but thought I'd post here for general use.

There's an online name generator for 1001 nights, composed of name parts Meguey contributed the the Story Games Names Project. But, it's extensible by anyone who wants to add to it. Just refresh for new names (&food!), or login & edit to add options to the generation machine. Sample output:

Sidi ibn Mustapha (male)
Mustapha ibn Zouman (male)
Morgiana bint Gifar (female)
Mustapha (male)
Damriat (male)
Mihrage (male)
Ahmed ibn Firouz (male)
Parizade bint Mustapha (female)
Rashid Al-Katib (scribe/author) (male)
Maimoune bint Sidi (female)
Douban ibn Behman (male)

David Younce

dave dot younce at gmail dot com



David Younce

dave dot younce at gmail dot com

Ben Lehman

The story name generator has a funny bug: I get things like "The Story of the Sultan, the Camel, and the Sultan."  Would it be possible to include "other" for the repeats to get the much more satisfying "The story of the Sultan, the Camel, and the other Sultan?"



Ben - sorry, just saw this.

Uhhhh... possible, yes. But computationally annoying to have to cache & compare on all rolls. If I did change the code to do this, it'd be just as easy to just disallow repeat results.  I may do that down the line. But for now, your easiest fix is to add lots more variety to the lists, so that your chances of repeats go down. These were just quickie lists, please don't treat them as canon.

Sorry thats kind of a nonanswer.

David Younce

dave dot younce at gmail dot com


David Younce

dave dot younce at gmail dot com
