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Need Suggestions for Simple, Easy Webpage to Put Games on...

Started by Steven Stewart, September 15, 2006, 09:23:39 PM

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Steven Stewart

I have been fiddling with game design for a little bit. I would describe myself as a casual designer, meaning that I want to get my ideas out to people but am not ready for the big plunge (meaning investment of money as well as time). I orginally played around with the idea of putting my gaming ideas (some of which are variants of others, some are brand new) out on a blog, but it is isn't working for me. I can't get it to look right or to put all the relvant postings for a given topic together.

What I really need is a webspot somewhere that I can have the following:
Short Intorduction to people visiting the web, and what the games are about
A place where people can click and download .pdf files of the games that I have designed

I thought the forge might be a good place to ask, is there such a webservice out there that is:
(A) free or cheap
(B) Easy to edit (I like the ease of publishing a blog, but not the choronological posting of it).

Thanks in advance.

"Reach out your hand if your cup be empty, if your cup is full may it be again"

Clyde L. Rhoer

Hi Steve,

If you have a gmail account have you looked at google page creator? It's free and looks to be easy to use to make static pages. I don't actually use it, but have toyed with it so there maybe issues I'm not aware of.
Theory from the Closet , A Netcast/Podcast about RPG theory and design., Clyde's personal blog.

Eric Provost

The freebie Geocities hosting works pretty well and has a built in page editor that's easy to use.  A free hosting package means that your page will have ads and a popup on it, but it's still a handy way to get started.



I've used freewebs for various things. It's easy to use, free, and doesn't look too bad.


So, it's not what you want, exactly...

But have you heard of
It's a site that's all about hosting PDFs of games.
They host them for you for free.

There's an outline and a sample of text on each page, with a "Download PDF" button.
They do it all for you, and are great to work with.

I'd suggest checking 1km1kt out.