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[Divinity] Quickplay derived from actual play notes

Started by sean2099, September 09, 2006, 02:05:00 AM

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Hi all,

This isn't the best actual play notes to post but I figure anything is better than nothing.  I had made this pdf file from notes that I took during a game session that went a bit awry.  Only one person (other than myself) had shown up and I didn't want to leave them hanging.  My friend John quickly made a character by the name of Zultan.  He was part of a pantheon that was "blood-related."  Zultan is a nosy little god, seeking forbidden lore.  I kept the use of the rules the same but I modified the adventure we played.  This part of the adventure I am posting took about an hour to play.  I fleshed out the file below with ideas I had but were not implemented. 

It went very well considering what had happened.  The adventure went off just fine even though certain ideas were not explored.  I say it went fine because there were no questions that I could not answer.  I had a reference point for what questions he did have.  There were some minor glitches.  For instance, I could not really get a good demostration of how to regain will points.  He should have asked to do during this part of the game but he chose not to do so.  As a result, the scene at the end served as a cutoff point.  He had ran out of will points right during the crux of the adventure.  He had a limited ability to defend himself (Divinity is not necessarily a combat oriented game but I think my friend could not completely get over that hump... too much d20 maybe :P)  He did not want to make a war god or anything like that (that was a real stretch for him.)  That's cool since I tried to design Divinity so that everyone has multiple ways to deal with conflict.  I am not sure of all of the choices that John made (using the forget power over and over again comes to mind) but that's ok.  We still had a good time.    I decided to call it off since it was meant to be played with other people. 

So, I had some notes and unused ideas.  I thought about them for a few days and I talked to John.  He thought it was ok to merge the notes and unused ideas to make this quickplay PDF.  I thought it was the best use of the session and he agreed.

Anyway, I would post everything here but it is over nine pages long.


Anyway, I would post the session but with everything I added, it's nine pages long.


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Ron Edwards

Hi Sean,

I'm hitting kind of an energy limit regarding downloading and reading the PDF. Although it's good to have it, I think you'll get a stronger discussion here if you state a specific question you'd like to address through discussion.

What do you mean by "what happened"? It carries a certain negative implication in your post, at least to my reading. To put it as bluntly as possible, can you state, in just 1 paragraph, what went wrong? Don't try to explain it, just say what it was.

Best, Ron


To be blunt, is the following a problem?  The plot was advanced by the player without the player regarding resources.  I mean, I have resource generation (will points) tied to performing miracles for mortal worshipers.  Does that interfere too much with plot advancement?    I'll keep this short and clarify anything else that anyone may want to know.




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