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[Spiel Essen] Preparing sales material

Started by Eero Tuovinen, September 29, 2006, 02:54:29 AM

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Ron Edwards

I sent Frank some Sorcerer demo materials last week. Did you get those, Eero?

Best, Ron

Eero Tuovinen

Quote from: Ron Edwards on October 06, 2006, 04:49:38 PM
I sent Frank some Sorcerer demo materials last week. Did you get those, Eero?

The ones about the Baltic barbarian s&s? Yep, I have those. I'll transpose the characters to some laminated character sheets for extra usability, but otherwise the demo seems ready to go.
Blogging at Game Design is about Structure.
Publishing Zombie Cinema and Solar System at Arkenstone Publishing.

Eero Tuovinen

I started another thread about my MLwM demo. I can teach that one to others by hand come Wednesday if necessary, but reading it through beforehand can't hurt. Also, I don't know if it would be useful to have the basic terms of that game (Self-loathing, Overture, Master, etc.) translated to Germany beforehand in a compiled cheat sheet. Opinions?
Blogging at Game Design is about Structure.
Publishing Zombie Cinema and Solar System at Arkenstone Publishing.

Frank T

Someone already did a cheat sheet for MLwM in German at one point, but I don't recall who it was... Eero, what material are you bringing to the fair? I don't want to do double work, so whatever you are bringing, I don't need to bring myself.

Generally, I don't think we need to translate character sheets and stuff into German. We are selling games in English language, people who can't at least read English aren't our target audience anyway for these games.

- Frank

Eero Tuovinen

What I'm bringing:
- One set of demo materials for each game, including dice etc. I could bring disposables, also, unless you have some keen way of printing character sheets etc. there. If you do, I can send you the stuff for that purpose later.
- The directory I linked earlier, in three identical blue folders. Will fix all the details that have been brought to my attention.
- Polaris and MLwM, probably enough to tile the booth floor with them.
- Personal stuff.

If there's something else we should be bringing, do tell.
Blogging at Game Design is about Structure.
Publishing Zombie Cinema and Solar System at Arkenstone Publishing.

Matt Machell

This is kinda tangential, but from GenCon I learned it's wise to bring a supply of throat lozenges and water on hand, since demoing and pitching all day can hammer your throat. Probably doubly worth it in Spiel, where they allow smoking inside the venue.


Frank T

Hi Matt,

We are planning to have drinking water for the booth monkeys at the booth at all times. Everything else, the booth monkeys must take care of themselves.

- Frank

Matt Machell

Cool. I wasn't implying you guys should provide them, just that they're useful to have for personal use.

Do you know the Booth number and which hall? I'd like to be able to add it at the base of my demo sheets, so folks can remember where we were if they try once, but decide to put off purchases til later. I know I did that lots last year in the boardgames section.



I'm considering bringing my printer. Laptop is with me for other reasons anyway.

Markku Tuovinen

A printer would be quite cool, actually. I'm bringing enough consumables for around ten demoes per game, so it'd be useful to be able to print more if one or two games need extras. Of course, if we need lots and lots more than I'm thinking, then it's probably cheaper to find a copy shop.
Arkenstone Publishing. Indie presence in Finland.

Frank T

Oh, the booth number. Too late, I guess. You can still scribble it on the sheet before you hand it over. Indie Punk and all. We also having a bed-sheet and graffity banner since the Forge Banner did not arrive in time.

It's booth no. 279, hall 6.

Harald, probably the people where we are staying have printers as well, but for larger quantities, I would suggest a copy shop. Those should not be hard to find, even in Essen.

- Frank

Eero Tuovinen

Not late, exactly. I'm still proofing the directory, and haven't printed most of the adverts yet. Most will include both the German url and the booth information (talk about the positive sides of waiting 'till the last minute). I'll be putting the pertinent files up on our server before calling it a night; that way we can print more and do some limited edits during the convention, if that proves necessary.

But if there's something else apart from the German url and the booth number that should go into those adverts/character sheets, do tell asap.
Blogging at Game Design is about Structure.
Publishing Zombie Cinema and Solar System at Arkenstone Publishing.

Frank T

Oh yeah, here's the website we've been building:

It's still a construction site, but a neat one.

- Frank

Jason Morningstar

Quote from: Frank T on October 18, 2006, 12:06:54 AM

That's really a great looking site.  Well done, and we all owe you and your crew a few beers!