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[Spiel Essen] Numbers and impressions

Started by Frank T, October 23, 2006, 10:43:27 AM

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Quote from: StefanS on October 26, 2006, 05:45:25 PM
Regarding sales directive... You could do a short list of unique selling points and specialities for each product.

IIRC, all the authors were asked to provide a 'tagline' and answer three other questions about their game. This information either was incomplete, or was not communicated to the booth monkeys in a meaningful fashion.

Regarding the long monologue: It got shorter over time, and we also learned to pick up the booth visitor's clues as to what might interest them over time.

As Frank said: No offence taken - we can only learn from outside criticism if it's as well placed as yours!


Frank T

Um, actually, I did make a sheet with "sales arguments" and gave it out. You probably did not get a copy, Harald. :-\

- Frank