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Wanted: Vampire & generic item imagry

Started by daMoose_Neo, August 19, 2006, 10:08:27 PM

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I'm looking for some vampire and otherwise generic images for an upcoming expansion of Final Twilight.
The images would need to be about 2 inches sq. at 300 DPI. Terms are negotiable, I only need print rights and the ability to include it in online collections (PDF, the game on CCGWorkshop) as a part of the game. "Ownership" not neccesary, second rights are fine. For these pieces, I don't need a whole lot, and to be honest I'm not looking at paying much. Ideally, I'd like some 'donated', credit given and I'll ship a full set of the expansion after release. Otherwise, I can pay some for rights.
Any artists interested in the possibility, please contact me for a list of images needed. Thanks!
Nate Petersen / daMoose
Neo Productions Unlimited! Publisher of Final Twilight card game, Imp Game RPG, and more titles to come!


if you would like to send me a list i would be more than happy to work on some vampire imagery. please send it to
