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The Stars, In Opera, Roadblocked

Started by masqueradeball, November 29, 2006, 09:30:17 AM

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I'm currently working on a game based around a more narrativist take on mecha anime than anything on the market. I designed the setting around a "more reactive" card-based resolution mechanic, but I'm really stumped with character creation. I know its rather a broad question, but what would people out there like to see happen when making a character for a manga/anime mecha soap-opera game in the vein of Gundam/Robotech/Escaflowne...

As a follow up: whats the ideal length for charcater creation? The maximum length? How much time should be spent on mechanical consideration v/conceptualizing?
Nolan Callender

Ron Edwards

Hi there,

I think you'll do well to post in Actual Play about any anime-type game you've played in the past, and what did or didn't work well for you there. For instance, did character creation seem like too much or too little, and why?

Discussion about that will get you way farther in your design thoughts than posting them in this abtract form.

Best, Ron