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Using this forum

Started by Ron Edwards, September 13, 2005, 07:13:10 PM

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Ron Edwards

Hi there,

I lost track of it a little while ago when it underwent revision. I think this is the new version: NearbyGamers.

Best, Ron


i'd like to post a call for developers and testers in my area to meet monthly. Where do i go for that?
If you live in the NoVA/DC area and would like help developing your games, or to help others do so, send me a PM.  i'm running a monthly gathering that needs developers and testers.

Ron Edwards

This forum is just right for it! Post away.

Best, Ron


I run a monthly mini-con in my area and I'm trying to get more Indie players and GMs involved.  Where would I post about that?

Ron Edwards

Hi there,

The Conventions forum is the place to be for that. However, check out the sticky thread that explains how to do it. Rather than use it as a bulletin board, set up ways for people to be involved and to organize their own stuff.

Best, Ron