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[Super Force Seven] Game Objectives

Started by mratomek, February 16, 2007, 10:43:52 PM

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I've been working on a demo to take around to stores and cons and eventually publish as what I am calling a Fast-Play scenario.

This game was a 3-part adventure that included two conflict and a single complication phase. In the first mini conflict, each player only has 250 points--which is essential 1 character or a lower-powered group of Minions and or Hero + Minions.

The villains had two objectives. They need to sabotage a chemical tank, which was a TN 10 DIF x3 task. If they succeeded, the sabotaging of the tank would affect the entrance of a chaotic villiain in the final conflict of the game.

The villains could also score a big success by actually capturing the hero--who would be hidden inside the chem plant that would be destroyed in the final conflict as well.

The hero on the other hand needed to prevent the villains from sabotaging the tank--which wasn't directly beneficial to  heroes, only that it did not give the villains a possible advantage. Also, if the hero captured at least 1 villain, he would have the opportunity of interrogating him, and gain a distinct advantage in the final conflict.

For this game, it was good ol' Captain America against a 200 pt Skullz Commando (Hero) and 50 pts (5) Skullz Thugs (Minions). Cap also had the advantage of Ambush deployment.

Round 1:
The Skullz deployed first. The Commando positioned himself right next to the tank, guarded by two thugs. The other three were posted on watch.

The Cap deployed behind the building, not know whether he would win initiative. So he hid around the corner.

Since the game would only last 3 Rounds--by then the police would arrive in force, and the villains would need to flee--both Cap and the Commando used Heroic Deeds to try to win. The result was a roll off and the Commando one.

He quickly attempted to sabotage the tank, using two Actions but only scoring 1 Success. The other group of thugs moved into position to block Cap from the inevitable charge.

Cap did in fact charge, taking out 1 of the thugs and knocking down a second--he critical failed one attack.

Round 2: Cap wins initiative, takes out another thug, rushes the Commando, does 1 Hit of damage--surprise he's a Hero not a minion--and then takes out another Thug.

The Commando goes right to work, drawing upon the remaining two thugs, and scores a critical success with the tank. He has accomplished his task. He beats on Cap, scorring a Glitch and then 2 Hits of Damage.

Round 3: Commando wins initiative. He scores a Critical. Knowing he cannot eliminate Cap, he scores a Shock, which will reduce Caps overall Actions by -1. He misses and then with his final attack he scores a Grab (the Minions support all of his actions).

Cap only has two moves. He must first break free of the Commando and then attempt to tackle a Thug--which should be easy. His first attack allows his to score an Escape, and free himself from the Commando; however, in order to reach the thug, he would have to withdrawl from the Commando who would get a free attack.

As Cap crosses his path, the Commando scores a Critical and a Hold. Cap's move ends and he is captured by the villains!

It was fun way to quickly set up the major conflict coming. Now the villains have gained two major advantages heading into the complication phase.

The final conflict should be fun. It involves destroying a chemical plant. However, once the building has been damaged to a certain extent, random explosions will occur each round which should make the game very interesting--and Cap is going to be stuck inside!

Stay Tuned...



Once upon a time ... the Earth needed to be saved ... on a regular basis.

Super Force Seven
Tactical RPG / Miniatures Wargame