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[Dex Con 10] 4 games for a badge

Started by Robert Bohl, April 07, 2007, 08:40:58 PM

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Robert Bohl

Public Service Announcement: I read up on the policies page for Dex Con and they require 128 player-hours of GMing in order to get a free badge. Kat was able to haggle them down to 4 indie games. This is different from in past years, where you only had to do two.
Misspent Youth: Ocean's 11 + Avatar: The Last Airbender + Snow Crash
Oo! Let's Make a Game!: Joshua A.C. Newman and I make a transhumanist RPG


wow, this is nice I havent seen any posts or coordination about who is running what at Dexcon 10.

How do I sign up? is there anything special I have to do?

I am thinking of running two games of a BW one shot. And I guess 2 games of Universalis.

There are other indie games I want to get in on. What ever Luke is running.. damn him and his Summer Secret Surprise 07.

any collective suggestions?