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[ENnies] Product voting now open, and 2008 Judge Selection Begins

Started by Denise, July 24, 2007, 12:29:40 AM

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Over 6,000 votes have been cast thus far for fans' favourite products, fan sites, and publishers, and I heartily encourage you all to head on over and have your voice heard.

Also, we are accepting nominations for the judging positions for 2008 this week, voting will be August 6th-12th, results announced at the ENnies ceremony.

Finally, I hope you can make it to the ceremony itself.  Doors open at 9pm and we're going to have a lovely silent auction full of unique and interesting items (only some of which are gaming related).  Admission is free with your Gen Con Indy badge.  Cash bar.
An ENnie vote has as much meaning as a dollar bill - that is, it's worth what you choose to value it at. -clash

The Annual Gen Con EN World RPG Awards ("The ENnies")


Indie products got an unprecedented number of noms this year, too.  We've listed them over on our "ballot" at


A record-breaking close to 10,000 votes have been cast thus far for your favourite fan sites, products and publishers for the 2007 ENnie Awards.  Keep it up, spread the word!

In the meantime, nominations for the coveted five seats on the judging panel for the 2008 Gen Con EN World RPG Awards are coming in already. Those received that meet all the requirements have been uploaded to
where I invite everyone to look them over. Of course, you're welcome to ask them additional questions, and if a thread gets started on any particular board, if someone tells me about it I'll link to it.

Don't forget, if you're planning on running, you have until Monday, July 30th to submit your application. Please be sure to read through the instructions clearly, since any omission could result in untimely delays in the posting of your information (and could also be a sign of your inability to comprehend and follow simple rules, which does not bode well for a judge!) The sooner you get your application in, the sooner I can upload it and the sooner fandom can get to know you better.

Voting begins August 6th and runs for one week only. Results will be announced at the ENnies ceremony Friday, August 17th at Gen Con Indy.
An ENnie vote has as much meaning as a dollar bill - that is, it's worth what you choose to value it at. -clash

The Annual Gen Con EN World RPG Awards ("The ENnies")


Today is the last day for judge nominations.  I know most Forge-types are publishers, and are thus not eligible, but I'm hoping that there's a fan of Indie games reading The Forge who wants to try their hand. has all the details you need. has the list of those who have already thrown their hat into the ring.

Don't forget, even if you think you don't stand a chance against the old guard, remember we want a new judge on the panel each year, so this could be your chance to break in!

An ENnie vote has as much meaning as a dollar bill - that is, it's worth what you choose to value it at. -clash

The Annual Gen Con EN World RPG Awards ("The ENnies")


I'm definitely going to be backing the indie-friendly judge candidates.  The ones we got this year did us a solid service.  Right now, I think that's at minimum Jeramy Ware, Chris Gath, and ... one other person I'm not remembering from my first read of their judge questionnaire answers... maybe Zachary.  I'd also like to see the women on the nomination list make it in -- more gender balance in the judges' panel would make me happy.