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Disappeared messages?

Started by cognis, August 11, 2007, 12:49:14 AM

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I've been away from roleplaying, and thus my indieRPGs account, for about a year. I just logged in for the first time since then. My little summary in the upper left corner says I have 2 messages, but my inbox shows none. Am I doing somehting wrong?


Ron Edwards


Nope, you're fine. We got hit with two imaginative porn spam messages that went to everyone. Clinton blanket-deleted them, and so your "2 messages" signal is just an artifact from then.

Oh, and welcome back!

Best, Ron


And you prevent me from recieving my well-deserved porn??

Just kidding! Seriously, thanks, nice to know. And thanks for keeping spam away, of course. But how do I get it to not show "you have 2 messages"?.

And thank you for the welcome back. I hope to be more of a contributor than a lurker this time around :)

Ron Edwards


Click on the message link and look at your in-box. Then return to the forums, again by clicking a link, not through the browser's back button.

If the 2-message notice persists after doing that, then contact Vincent (lumpley here at the Forge).

Best, Ron


It persists. How do I find him (there is no memberlist)?

Ron Edwards

You can send Vincent a private message to "lumpley" or an email to

Best, Ron