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Exhibitor Questions

Started by TwoCrows, August 21, 2007, 04:06:50 PM

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Hey Forgites,

Can anyone let some light under my rock concerning a few details surrounding the role of Exhibitor at gaming cons?

1) Booth Help – What sorts of compensation arrangements do Exhibitors typically make with Booth Help, such as Checkout, Game Demo, and Costumed Models?

2) Booth Extras – As I understand it things like Electric, and Phone are extra at places like GenCon. What are the going rates for these kinds of amenities?

3) Entrepreneurial Discounts – Can anyone give me a clue what the GenCon Entrepreneurial Discount is like? Are there other Discounts for first time publishers, or Exhibitors at other cons?

4) Overall Costs – Can anyone who has been an Exhibitor at GenCon give me an idea what their overall costs have been in the past? If you can I'd like to know about lodgings, food, booth change bags, stock, help, and other incidental costs.

Thanx in advance to anyone who's willing to shed some light on these Qs for me, or even give me some As.

Regards, Brad Bennett

Ron Edwards

Hi Brad,

I'll be answering soon! Right now, we're all a little exhausted and buzzed from GenCon, and I think a lot of posting will concern that specific experience. Since your excellent questions are more general, it may take a little while for people including me to respond.

Best, Ron


Heh, I think I grok the relevance of the term "general questions" now!

That post mortem is crunchy & juicy all at that same time...back to my observation post now...Thanx!


p.s. - That's a swell vid Jason!