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Ygg page - check it out?

Started by Christoffer Lernö, June 12, 2002, 08:50:29 AM

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Christoffer Lernö

I've been working on collecting some old material for Ygg to have the stuff I translated into english in a single place. It's not totally coherent, but it does provide a better overview of the game than I can give in a quick letter. It consists of relevant postings here on the Forge as well as on I was surprised to find out I hadn't made a detailed posting of the magic here on the Forge, so that might be of a little interest. Well check it out if you want to. It's mainly background material as I'm reworking much of the game mechanics.
I thought making a blog out of it would be the most effective, so please do check out

EDIT: If you have any thoughts or comments, please let me know.
formerly Pale Fire
[Yggdrasil (in progress) | The Evil (v1.2)]
Ranked #1005 in meaningful posts
Indie-Netgaming member


The magic system feels like a completely different game.   Its based on a system of harnessing demons and their powers, only type of magic available, only available to humans...

.. but the rest of the system focusses primarilly on other fantasy motifs.   Its also not clear if the witchfolk= humans who pact with demons hence the magic system at hand or they're a fantasy race considered non-human and hence don't actually have access to Ygg's magic system.

Its deities who put the godsmack on the demons supposedly sealed away, but the magic system makes it seem like demons are pretty accessible.  And there's nothing to suggest that human beings can acquire faith magic (theurgy) from the gods.

The marks of corruption themselves I like.   If the game was  based on placed the witchfolk as PC and their struggle to survive the 'normal' humans and the gods in which the regular folk put their truck into- if that was a central premise, and the witchfolk were the allies of the remaining 'monsters' and sought to save them somehow from humanity, that would be a different enough spin to really catch my interest.  

But from other things you've talked about in the past and other parts of Ygg, that's not what I think is happening.  

So I dunno........ I just dunno.

Christoffer Lernö

Quote from: LaurelThe magic system feels like a completely different game.   Its based on a system of harnessing demons and their powers, only type of magic available, only available to humans...

Well, as I said, this is mainly a collection of postings. It's more of a reference than anything else.

Now to clear up your misconceptions. Witchpeople = elves. And all non-human races actually have magical abilities (is that really not in there somewhere) they can develop, so they're not without magic at all. It's just not the type of external demonic magic humans use. So in a way you're right, they're not gonna use that magic system. The demonic magic is human only.

QuoteIts deities who put the godsmack on the demons supposedly sealed away, but the magic system makes it seem like demons are pretty accessible.

Well, this has to do with some of the background story which I may or may not change in the end. The basic stuff was that when the elder gods left the world all sorts of demonic beings crept from the dimensions beyond. This disasterous situation didn't end until the younger gods came and drove out the demons and sealed the gates to the otherworlds.

Whatever. It's not set in stone. Anyway, the gods are not that interested in the humans anyway. And they're not much more than really powerful entities not unlike the demons themselves.

The main point is that humans can learn how to open the gates between the world and channel that magic.

QuoteAnd there's nothing to suggest that human beings can acquire faith magic (theurgy) from the gods.

That is true.
formerly Pale Fire
[Yggdrasil (in progress) | The Evil (v1.2)]
Ranked #1005 in meaningful posts
Indie-Netgaming member


Hey, this is a lark here... but I think your Ygg would make a great serious grim setting for Donjon Krawl and the upcoming full  Donjon

Mechanicaly, I think it would work great, the the word-based magic system and energy-drawing mechanics are easy to use as the basis for your Taint ideas...

anywhay, just a thought.

Christoffer Lernö

Bailywolf, I don't quite see that connection myself. I looked at Donjon Krawl a few times and it seems like it doesn't quite have the feeling I'm looking for. BUT that's probably more because of the GNS type of play I'm looking for than anything else. So if someone would do a conversion of the Ygg setting for Donjon, well that would be cool.
formerly Pale Fire
[Yggdrasil (in progress) | The Evil (v1.2)]
Ranked #1005 in meaningful posts
Indie-Netgaming member