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Sorcerer: the Agency

Started by Clinton R. Nixon, June 13, 2002, 06:00:31 PM

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Ron Edwards


Damn, Mike, that nails it. I really like that, as well as this whole Agency thing in general. Great idea, Clinton.

My own take on it would be ... perhaps MiB with a little twist to the grotesque, as in a Christopher Moore novel more than the essentially candy-coated movie.


Clinton R. Nixon

Quote from: Ron EdwardsMy own take on it would be ... perhaps MiB with a little twist to the grotesque, as in a Christopher Moore novel more than the essentially candy-coated movie.

Ron knows I'm a complete Christopher Moore nut - I'm going to absolutely have to run this now.
Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games


Forgive my ignorance, but Christopher Moore who?

Seth L. Blumberg

You might even go so far as to let players buy the right to narrate in return for Humanity checks--you can do something really, really cool, but it costs you.

I like this game a lot. I want to play it. Someone please write it up as a mini-supplement (and then come over to my apartment and GM it for me, so I can play for a change).
the gamer formerly known as Metal Fatigue

Clinton R. Nixon

Here's his home page. He's a comedic author, and I found him through a quote from his book Practical Demonkeeping on page 87 of Sorcerer.

Also, for future reference, here's Google.

- Clinton
Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games


Cool deal, I'm looking for something lighter... too much Tim Powers of late... (Declare and all)