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Covert Generation - Looking for Help

Started by Antimuppet, August 10, 2007, 10:59:16 PM

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Hey Folks.

I'm looking for some help on how to promote Covert Generation. Those of you who have played it, can you let me know your thoughts? I'm not making the Big Show this year, so I need some information on what channels to pursue and what about the game I should chat up.

I appreciate your responses and thanks.


Hey, Antimuppet,

I'm not familiar with Covert Generation. Didn't see any information about the game in your profile. Any chance you could post a link?

-- Rafael
Rafael Chandler, Neoplastic Press
The Books of Pandemonium


Hey Raphael - sure. That's my site. There are some preview pieces you could check out. Thanks for the response.


I checked out the site. Looks good.

Have you considered sending out review copies? I know you've got a couple of reviews up already, but one of them is a podcast. Not everyone is going to want to listen to the podcast, and there doesn't appear to be a transcript available. How about typing up a transcript and posting that on your site? Also, sending out a couple of review copies to places like could garner some additional exposure.

Your game appears to target young gamers. Great idea, by the way. Perhaps there's some way that you could leverage that. Parents and educators often deplore the video game industry, because they perceive video games as a threat to books. Then again, this could be a misconception on my part, because it feels like every time I tell someone I design video games, they scowl and tell me that Johnny doesn't read anymore since he discovered Halo. Anyhow. It might be a good idea to pitch Covert Generation as a game that will get young people reading. I don't really know how the heck you could promote this -- perhaps by targeting high school drama clubs? Or maybe the debate and forensics teams...?

Then again, maybe not. If you're kind of an old dude, then maybe you might look a little sketchy hanging around high shools. Possibly not a good way to promote your game. But, you know, libraries have 'teen reading' groups. And that sort of thing. Bookstores, too. You got an ISBN? If so, you might be able to get your local bookstore's manager to order a few copies for the 'local authors' section.

Hell, maybe start a group of your own at the bookstore. Pitch it to them as a way to get teens reading again. Something. From what I could tell, your book is perfect for the Harry Potter/ Alex Rider demographic. That could be an angle.

One thing -- when I click on the IPR link, on your site, it takes me to

However, when I get there, your book isn't featured on that page. No luck searching the page for 'Covert', either (with Ctrl-F). In order to find your book on IPR, I then have to search the site. The search takes me to

You might want to change the link on your site. The more work a potential customer has to do, yada yada.

Anyhow, I wish you the best of luck with your game! Hope this helped.

-- Rafael

Rafael Chandler, Neoplastic Press
The Books of Pandemonium

Clyde L. Rhoer

Hi Caz,

I think the best thing you can do is to hit what conventions you can, and get people playing your game. As a small press guy word of mouth is going to be your best asset. You could start locally. OshCon is coming up next month, and Geek Kon is in early October, is free of charge, and is right here in Madison.

You might also make use of the three gaming stores we have and try to run some games or campaigns.
Theory from the Closet , A Netcast/Podcast about RPG theory and design., Clyde's personal blog.

Clyde L. Rhoer

Sorry Caz. I didn't completely follow your guidelines. I think I would talk up the setting. When you ran two playtests with me and other folks at the first Forge Midwest, you seemed to get the most excited and jazzed about the setting. If my memory is correct, then that's what you want to talk about as your enthusiasm is likely going to work better than trying to come up with a sales pitch.
Theory from the Closet , A Netcast/Podcast about RPG theory and design., Clyde's personal blog.


Clyde has two posts worth of good advice. Flames Rising has a "games on demand" table in the game room at Geek.Kon this year and you are welcome to join us if you would like to run a couple of demos.

If you get the chance to post some Actual Play threads here, RPGnet and Flames Rising that might get some discussion going regarding the game, especially if you manage to snag some new people who have not come across the game previously.

If you get me a web banner I can toss it up on Flames Rising with a link to your site after I get back from GenCon.


"What Are You Afraid Of?"


Thanks to everybody -

I hadn't thought to directly pitch the game at teen readers, but that's a solid idea. Job and home keep available face time out in the world to a slim margin so local appearances aren't all that likely right now. I'll put some feelers out to the local book stores, a number of them are happy to carry local talent. There are a few copies in one store now, looks like I need to head back to the printer.

I comped a few copies in my last printing, but none of those turned into a review. I'll have to look at RPG net and see how that process goes.

Cons sound good too - I'll check the links and see what I can swing as they come around.

Matt - thanks! I'll try to knock something together this weekend.


While i browsed through the chapter samples, i had this image of some kid in a random store in mind, who accidently discovers this in a shelf. After flipping through the first pages he would immideately carry this to the counter, swiftly move home and go to his room to read this - completely hooked - throughoutly. You really have to try to get this into some stores, to make this scenario happen.