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[44] Ashcan print edition now available for sale online

Started by Matt Snyder, September 04, 2007, 02:29:55 AM

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Matt Snyder

The ashcan edition of 44: A Game of Automatic fear is now available for purchase via PayPal for $14 + $4.95 S/H for all orders.

Visit the 44 page to purchase your copy!
Matt Snyder

"The future ain't what it used to be."
--Yogi Berra

Darcy Burgess

Hi Matt,

I'm very interested in the 44 ashcan.  However, I don't want to "just buy it".

What's your publication schedule looking like right now?  Do you have any sense of when you're going to close the doors on feedback?

Black Cadillacs - Your soapbox about War.  Use it.

Matt Snyder

Hi, Darcy --

I don't yet have that sense. It all depends on when sufficient feedback comes in. I estimate it'll take at least 3 to 6 months. I will publish the full, final version of the game when it's ready. I'd like to think it'll be ready by next year for GenCon, but I'm not counting on that. I'll absolutely wait if I think the game's not yet ready.
Matt Snyder

"The future ain't what it used to be."
--Yogi Berra


Hey, I was looking for reasons why you guys were not making your Ashcans available for sale as PDFs, but I could not find the reason. So, I thought I would ask you. Was it an individual choice or straight across the board choice for everyone?



Matt Snyder

My reason for that and for not fixing the PayPal link to my print edition is pretty simple: HOLY CRAP I HAVEN'T HAD TIME TO DO STUFF LATELY!

I'll remedy the situation one way or another soon. Day job's letting up considerably lately.
Matt Snyder

"The future ain't what it used to be."
--Yogi Berra


Well, you may be very busy, but you at least answer my e-mails a thousand times faster than someone who makes a living making games (if you know what I mean).



FYI, I also can't seem to purchase the ashcan through PayPal...
"Come on you lollygaggers, let's go visit the Thought Lords!"

Matt Snyder

Yes, WordPress does not like my PayPal buttons, and the built in buttons are not working well. I'm still trying to figure out a better solution.

You can always just sent me $14 via PayPal to matt -at-
Matt Snyder

"The future ain't what it used to be."
--Yogi Berra