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[Forge Midwest] Kids

Started by Ron Edwards, March 25, 2008, 04:04:44 PM

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Ron Edwards

Hi everyone,

I find myself in the unfamiliar position of toting my kids to the convention. Cecilia (my wife, their mom) will be away at a convention of her own, and the babysitter will be away as well. So either I stay with them at home throughout the weekend or I take'em with me.

They will be almost seven months old, which is a very bad time for traveling to something like this - they're just getting used to solid food, they need tending while feeding, they're just mobile enough to require watching, they need their nap schedule enforced, and they should be monitored at night. At best, I'll be limited in how much actual gaming I'll get to do, although, actually, they are really low-maintenance as far as infants go. They're tolerant of unfamiliar people, they're good at playing and amusing themselves, they tank up at feeding times and don't fuss, and they sleep really well.

So here's what I'm thinking: I bring them, and try to arrange some mutualism with anyone else with little kiddies. I'll watch the batch of'em at certain times, and you do the same. Or if some kidless people don't mind helping out a bit too, that would be wonderful. I'm not asking for much, just a pair of eyes every so often. While you're playing a game will be OK, because I have this handy playpen thing which will keep them confined, and which they apparently like. Even better if we're in the same game together, so that both of us can use half an eye.

At no point am I talking about anyone taking total responsibility for anyone's kids, but rather some help with monitoring and maybe willingness to hold a kid and a bottle at various points.

Any hope?

Best, Ron


Heya Ron,

I am in the process of trying to set things up for me to attend the weekend, and should it all fall together nicely I'd be happy to offer my eyeballs or other services in helping out with the kids. I mean, you've got two. Man, I remember just two. That's like cake for me at this point (because I have just that many eyes and hands).

Remind me to tell you about taking three of them to the store the other day...
Rev. Ravenscrye Grey Daegmorgan
Wild Hunt Studio

Nev the Deranged

As the oldest of six, I had to learn babysitting skills early. And I find that I generally like other people's kids much more than I would my own, if I had any. Something about being able to give them back.

Anyway, most kids seem to like me (you'd think they'd be scared, wouldn't you?), so I don't mind watching or playing with them for a while. I can do bottles, too.


Crystal and I will be there for Friday and Saturday, and we've held a baby or two in our time.

But I draw the line at diaper changing.  *big grin*
Seth Ben-Ezra
Dark Omen Games
producing Legends of Alyria, Dirty Secrets, A Flower for Mara
coming soon: Showdown

Peter Nordstrand

I cannot stay silent. This is a beautiful thread, and it makes me love you all. Have fun!
Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
     —Grey's Law

Ron Edwards

Thanks everyone! Between those who've posted and some private confirmations, I'm a lot more confident that the trip will be good both for me and for the kids.

Anyone else who's interested or willing, let me know, either here or at the con. I hope someone else brings babies too so I'm not the only recipient of all the good will.

Best, Ron


Ron, we routinely game with between 3 and 8 kids in the house, from age 8 down.  If I couldn't help you with your two, I'd have to hand in my gaming parent badge.


I write games. My games don't have much in common with each other, except that I wrote them.