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who and what we're expecting at The Ashcan Front at Gen Con '08

Started by Paul Czege, June 17, 2008, 02:44:51 PM

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Paul Czege

Hey all,

Here's who and what we're expecting at booth 2039:

Ralph Mazza with Blood Red Sands
Darcy Burgess with Black Cadillacs
Justin Jacobson with Bullseye
Grant Davis with Secrets and Lies
Clyde Rhoer with Silence Keeps Me a Victim
Chris Perrin with Messiah
Marshall Burns' game The Rustbelt, being represented by me
Jared Sorensen with Darkpages
Julia Ellingboe with Tales of the Fisherman's Wife
Danielle Lewon with Kagematsu

We've partnered this year with The Playcollective, so they'll have a few ashcans on the shelf as well. I'm anticipating Rob Bohl's Misspent Youth, Joshua Newman's Beowulf, and maybe more...

It's going to be a great shelf. I'm very geeked.

My Life with Master knows codependence.
And if you're doing anything with your Acts of Evil ashcan license, of course I'm curious and would love to hear about your plans